Sacred sex and temple prostitutes
from ancient myths to modern realitys
by Gaylen Moore
Dan and Dawn are co-leaders of the Path of the Qadishti – a
path of sacred sexuality inspired by ancient stories of sacred
prostitution. The term 'sacred prostitution' may sound like a
contradiction, but for Dan and Dawn there is no contradiction
between sexuality and spirituality, so for them the concept of
sacred prostitution is not at all shocking.
Dawn is a Pagan Priestess, ordained and licensed in the state
of Ohio. She has led a great many weddings (including "leather
collarings, rites of passage,
handfastings, and other ceremonies. She also offers Sunday
services. Dan hosts daily meditation and dharma studies for
Buddhists and non-Buddhists.
Together, Dan and Dawn blend their insights and experiences in the realms of sacred sexuality, BDSM, energy work, and spirituality to offer a unique perspective to the audiences who attend their various workshops, training, and demonstrations. They also host Erotic Awakening - a weekly internet radio show (podcast) covering a wide range of loving, erotic and spiritual paths.
What does all of this have to do with prostitution? The Latin
root of the word “prostitute”
means 'to expose,’ or ‘to place up front.' According to the
modern day Pagan understanding, some ancient cultures had a
class of sacred prostitutes who were, in effect, "stand-ins" for
Goddesses, or ritual symbols linking Her invisible divine
aspects to the physical world.
One might say that by standing in for the Goddess, the temple
prostitute served as a worldly manifestation of the divine, and
thus exposed an aspect of Divine Love to the material world of
ordinary physical beings. Here one may be vaguely reminded of
the way in which Jesus – as a material incarnation of the
Christian God – portrays Divine Love in the physical world. One
fundamental difference between Christian and Pagan traditions,
however, is the concept of Divine Sexuality. Whereas the
Christian God is never sexualized, the Gods and Goddesses of the
Pagan world are understood as being fully erotic. The temple
prostitutes served as physical symbols of divine erotic nature.
It is said that
Astarte and
Aphrodite all had sacred prostitutes in their service.
Priests (qadeshat) and priestesses (qadishti) of the ancient
Goddess religions often included sexual expression in their
sacred ceremonies. In this context, sex was not a source of
shame, but a cause for celebration and thanks-giving.
Many scholars argue that temple prostitutes in the form
imagined by modern day Pagans did not actually exist. This point
was made over
20 years ago, but has most recently been discussed by
Stephanie Budin in her book
The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity. No
doubt the historical and anthropological details can and will be
debated at great length, but for the spiritual purposes of
modern Pagans, this interesting but relatively minor historical
debate is a detour from the important central concept of global
importance, namely, the idea that erotic love is sacred and
should be fully incorporated in one's spirituality, rather than
divorced from it.
In the realms of poetry and myth, imagery and ideas shape our reality and give meaning to our lives. It is essential to the fate of humanity that we are able to look beyond the given facts – whatever they may be – and envision a future bright in hope and deep in meaning. From the Pagan perspective, the artificial division between the "profane physical realm of earthly desires" and the "divine nonphysical realm of heavenly bliss" has created centuries of unnecessary physical and spiritual carnage. Many argue that from the very beginning, this conceptual division was instituted and brutally enforced in order to devalue the power of women and all that was deemed feminine, in order to elevate the social, political, and military power of the male-dominated ruling classes.
From a traditional religious perspective, marriage is
divinely sanctioned and the church, which has been put in charge
of doing God's work in the world, controls the rites of
marriage. Secular governments have taken civil authority over
the institution of marriage, but the civil roots are still
clearly entrenched in religion. Sex outside of a male-female,
marriage is a form of
sin and/or a crime against society. From a modern Pagan
point of view, the suppression of sexual diversity and the
control of erotic, sensual life is generally seen as a
power-play serving the political interests of an elite class; it
never has been, and never could be, a playful empowering of the
human spirit.
This brings us back to the on-going efforts of Dan, Dawn and
other sex-positive promoters of
erotic diversity. Through their organized events, workshops,
classes, public speaking engagements, podcasting, and other
activities, they are contributing to a global grassroots effort
to change the dominant spiritual theme of humanity from the
oppressive power over sexual expression to the liberating
empowerment of erotic diversity.
As mentioned earlier, the Qadishti movement is a sacred
sexuality movement inspired by concept of temple prostitutes.
“Qadishti” is plural for “qadishtu,” which is the term given to
female sacred prostitutes in ancient Canaan. “I think the
Qadishtu's role, in addition to having sex in a sacred manner,
is also to remind people of the sacredness of sex in all
situations,” says Inara de Luna, priestess and founder of the
Temple of the Red Lotus in Georgia. Those involved in
the Qadishti movement are here to help people realize the sacred
nature of sex. "Part of that mission," according to the
priestess, "encompasses teaching people about the possibilities
of tapping into a universal, limitless capacity for love and
compassion.” She goes on to say:
A qadishtu is known for her capacity to impart loving touch, for her ability to be a physical expression of the Divine, for her sacred approach to sexuality, and her ability to share that with countless others, all without diminishing herself or denying her own needs.
Do modern qadishti get paid for their services? Although,
historically, the concept of prostitution has become firmly
associated with the exchange of money, the ancient roots –
according to those who follow the path of the Qadishti – are
said to be anchored in the rituals of sacred touch, healing, and
spiritually inspired erotic play. Services were offered out of
compassion and spiritual inspiration, not merely for the sake of
money. Just as churches accept gifts and donations, the modern
qadishti should be able to do the same, but given the fact that
accepting money for sex is illegal in many modern societies,
those following the Path of the Qadishti have to be careful.
Qadishti are encouraged to be familiar with the prostitution
laws in their local areas, and most find ways to creatively
avoid legal issues in whatever way seems best to them. Some
offer sexual counseling without actually engaging in sex with
clients. Most teach classes, offer massages, or offer other
services for which they can legally get paid, but never accept
payment for sex.
Some qadishti, like
Dawn and Dan, don’t accept money
for any of their services, thus completely avoiding legal
Cynics will no doubt claim that qadishti are simply clever prostitutes or sex addicts who find ways to rationalize their behavior and skirt the law. What the cynics don't realize is that cynicism is a cheap and easy way to avoid the difficult work of actually digging for truth and thinking deeply. No mental or spiritual effort is required to simply pigeonhole everyone into a few common stereotypes. But reality is never so simple. Culturally, Americans have become used to thinking of sex as a dirty, shameful act driven mostly by selfish desire – except, of course, in the context of officially sanctioned marriage. Once our minds have settled into this conceptual rut, we tend to forget the true diversity of human needs and emotions regarding sex.
Sexuality can be a powerful form of compassion and an amazing
source of healing. We are used to the idea that priests,
doctors, and counselors of all sorts accept payment for their
services. In light of this, the double-standard imposed upon the
qadishti becomes starkly apparent, and because of this
double-standard, the insights of the modern qadishti are often
overlooked. Dawn, Dan, and many other sex-positive advocates do
their best to light the way along a more diverse and spiritually
empowering path.
This page last updated: 03/01/2018