Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library
Ilasa! tabaanu li-El pereta, casaremanu upaahi cahisa dareji;
das oado caosaji oresacore: das omaxa monasaci Baeouibe od emetajisa
Iaiadix. Zodacare od Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa. Zodoreje, lape
zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D A.
O thou, the Governor of the first Flame, under whose wings are 6739;
which weave the Earth with dryness: that knowest the Great Name
"Righteousness." and the Seal of Honour. Move and Appear!
Unveil the Mysteries of your Creation; be friendly unto me, for I am
the servant of the same your God: the true worshipper of the
This page last updated: 03/01/2018