Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library
Ritual 2
The next comes from sexual secrets pg 304.
Then the couple stand, face to face and holding hands, the man's index finger between the
index and middle finger of the woman. Standing thus, the couples meditate on the gods and
goddesses of the body, the spirits of the season and the purpose of the ritual. Then each
couple separates and singly meditates on the gestures and postures of the rite.
The master instructs the participants to begin a slow mystic dance. First standing, then
seated and finally reclining, the couple perform a series of mystic movements and
gestures, imitating animals, birds, natural forces and celestial bodies. Every move that
the man makes is mirrored exactly by his partner. If he lifts his left arm or leg, she
must raise her right arm or leg. This is called Cosmic Harmonization. Gradually the
movements accelerate and spontaneity prevails. Intoning a prayer that expresses their
desire to move both Heaven and Earth, the couples lie down and touch each other on the
head, the heart and the sexual region, all the while controlling their breathing and
holding in mind the concept of Cosmic harmonization. Gradually the movements accelerate
and spontaneity prevails. Intoning a prayer that expresses their desire to move both
Heaven and Earth, the couples lie down and touch each other on the head, the heart and
sexual region, all the while controlling their breathing and holding in mind the concept
of Cosmic Harmonisation.
The man then places his left hand on his partner's left breast and caresses her body,
moving his hand three times downward as far as her leg, intoning an invocation to the
Supreme Force of the Left. He then does the same to his partner's right side, invoking The
Mysterious Old Man of the Right. Then using his left hand, he caresses the woman's body
from her throat center to her sexual center, all the while honoring the Supreme Being of
All Becoming. He should then repeat this with his right hand.
Three time he should touch the woman's Jade Cavern, placing his right hand on her Door of
Life and opening the lips of her Golden Doorway. With his right hand he should insert his
Jade Flute into her Gateway. He should touch the top of his partner's head with his left
hand and caress her Door of Life in a downward movement, from left to right, using his
right hand and intoning the following power phrase of transcendence: "Water flows
toward the East (the female side). Yin nourishes the forces of Yang: how subtle and
transcendental is this cosmic truth. Let the life-essence rise up! May our vitalities be
joined!" The woman then also declares, "From Yin and Yang all creation emerged.
Heaven covers, Earth supports. Remembering this, I fill my whole being with blissful
This page last updated: 02/27/2018