Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library


The Book of Thoth

The Minnor Arcana

  1. The Ace of Pentacles is called the Root of the Powers of Earth.
  2. 2 of Pentacles . . Harmonious Change . . Jupiter Capricorn
  3. 3 of Pentacles . . Material Works . . . Mars Capricorn
  4. 4 of Pentacles . . Earthly Power . . . Sun Capricorn
  5. 5 of Pentacles . . Material Trouble. . . Mercury Taurus
  6. 6 of Pentacles . . Material Success. . . Moon Taurus
  7. 7 of Pentacles . . Success unfulfilled . . Saturn Taurus
  8. 8 of Pentacles . . Prudence . . . . Sun Virgo
  9. 9 of Pentacles . . Material Gain . . . Venus Virgo
  10. 10 of Pentacles . . Wealth . . . . Mercury Virgo
  11. The Knight of Pentacles is "The Lord of the Wide and Fertile Land: the King of the Spirits of Earth."
  12. The Queen of Pentacles is "The Queen of the Thrones of Earth."
  13. The King of Pentacles is "The Prince of the Chariot of Earth."
  14. The Knave of Pentacles is "The Princess of the Echoing Hills: the Rose of the Palace of Earth."


This page last updated: 03/01/2018

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