Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library
sub figurâ
(ὁ ἀριθμός)

A∴ A∴
Publication in Class B
N. Fra. A∴ A∴
CAN any good thing come out of Palestine? is the broader anti-Semitic retort to the sneer cast by the Jews themselves against the harmless and natural Nazarene; one more example of the poetic justice of History. And no doubt such opponents of the modern Jew will acclaim this volume as an admirable disproof of that thesis which it purports to uphold.
The dissimilarities, amounting in some cases to sheer contradiction, which mark many numbers, will appear proof positive that there is nothing in the numerical Qabalah, especially as we may presume that by filling up this dictionary from the ordinary Hebrew Lexicon one would arrive at a mere hotch-pot.
Apart from this, there is a deeper-lying objection to the Qabalah; viz., that the theory is an example of the fallacy Post hoc propter hoc.
Are we to believe, asks the sceptic, that a number of learned men deliberately sat down and chose words for the sake of their numerical value? Language is a living thing, with many sources and diverse; can it be moulded in any such arbitrary fashion?
The only reply seems to be a mere assertion that to some extent it certainly is so. Examples of a word being spelt deliberately wrong do occur; and such a jugglery as the changing of the names of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah can hardly be purposeless. Once admit the end of such a wedge, and it is difficult to say whether it may not be driven home so far as to split asunder the Tree of Knowledge, if not the Tree of Life.
Another line of argument is the historical. We do not here refer to the alleged forgery of the Qabalah by Rabbi Moses ben Leon — was it not? — but to the general position of the ethnologist that the Jews were an entirely barbarous race, incapable of any spiritual pursuit. That they were polytheists is clear from the very first verse of Genesis; that Adonai Melekh is identical with “Moloch” is known to every Hebraist. The “Old Testament” is mainly the history of the struggle of the phallic Jehovah against the rest of the Elohim, and that his sacrifices were of blood, and human blood at that, is indisputable.
Human sacrifices are to-day still practised by the Jews of Eastern Europe, as is set forth at length by the late Sir Richard Burton in the MS. which the wealthy Jews of England have compassed heaven and earth to suppress, and evidenced by the ever-recurring Pogroms against which so senseless an outcry is made by those who live among those degenerate Jews who are at least not cannibals.1)
Is it to such people, indeed, that we are to look for the highest and subtlest spiritual knowledge?
To this criticism there are but two answers. The first, that an esoteric tradition of great purity may co-exist with the most crass exoteric practice. Witness the Upanishads in the land of Jagganath, hook-swinging, and the stupidest forms of Hatha-Yoga.
Witness the Tipitaka (with such perfections as the Dhammapada) in the midst of peoples whose science of torture would seem to have sprung from no merely human imagination. The descriptions in the Tipitaka itself of the Buddhist Hells are merely descriptions of the actual tortures inflicted by the Buddhists on their enemies.
The second, that after all is said, I find it work very well. I do not care whether Sq.Rt. -1 is an impossible, an unimaginable thing, or whether de Moivre really invented it, and if so, whether de Moivre was an immortal man, and wore whiskers. It helps me to make certain calculations; and so long as that is so, it is useful, and I stick to it.
Other criticisms of the methods of the Qabalah itself have been made and disposed of in the article on the subject in “The Temple of Solomon the King” (Equinox V) and no further reference need be made to them in this place. It is only necessary to say that the article should be studied most thoroughly, and also the article “A Note on Genesis” in the second number of The Equinox.
With these two weapons, and the Sword of the Spirit, the Practicus, fully armed, may adventure himself in the great battle wherein victory is Truth.
THIS dictionary was begun by Allan Bennett (Fra∴ Iehi Aour, now Bhikkhu Ananda Metteya) in the last decade of the nineteenth century since Ψ-J.C. It was bequeathed to the present Editor, with many other magical MSS., on I.A.'s departure for Ceylon in 1899.
Frater Perdurabo used it, and largely added to it, in the course of his Qabalistic workings. With George Cecil Jones (Fra∴ Volo Noscere) he further added to it by making it a complete cross-correspondence to the Book DCCLXXVII.
It was further revised and checked, re-copied by a Jewish scribe, and again checked through, in the year V of the present Era.
The mathematical additions were continued by Fra∴ P. and Fra∴ Lampada Tradam; and the MS. finally copied on a specially constructed typewriter by Gerald Rae Fraser (Fra∴ Ψ) who added yet further mathematical data.
This copy has again been checked by Fra∴ P. and Soror∴ N.N. and the proofs further by three separate scholars.
The method of employing the dictionary has been fully indicated in The Temple of Solomon the King Equinox V.
None of the editors claim to possess even the smallest degree of scholarship. The method of compilation has been to include all words given in Von Rosenroth's Qabalistic Dictionary, those specially commented on in S.D., I.R.Q., and I.Z.Q., those given in 777, and those found by Fratres I.A. and P. Some of them are found in texts of the Hebrew Scriptures which appeared to those adepts to be of magical importance. Owing to their carelessness, the meaning of some few words has been lost, and cannot now be traced.
K.D. L.C.K. p___ | = | KABBALA DENUDATA cuius Pars Prima continet Locos Communes Kabbalisticos. |
Dec. | = | Decan. |
S.P.M. | = | Sphere of the Primum Mobile. |
S.S.F. | = | Sphere of the Fixed Stars. |
L.T.N. | = | Lesser Angel governing Triplicity by Night. |
L.T.D. | = | Lesser Angel governing Triplicity by Day. |
K.Ch.B. | = | Kether — Chokmah — Binah. |
(Ch.) | = | Chaldee. |
S.D. | = | Siphra Dtzenioutha. |
I.R.Q. | = | Idra Rabba Qadisha. |
Tet. | = | Tetragrammaton. |
L.A. Angel | = | Lesser Assistant Angel. |
I.Z.Q. | = | Idra Zuta Qadisha. |
M.T. | = | |
ש. | = | Shemhamphorasch. |
W. | = | Wands. |
C. | = | Cups. |
S. | = | Swords. |
P. | = | Pentacles. |
K. of S. | = | Key of Solomon. |
O.P.A.A. | = | Oriens — Paimon — Ariton — Amaimon |
{WEH NOTE: this next set of equates originally had symbols matched against words. It has been left for completeness. Other symbols have been replaced or approximated to allow ASCIIrepresentation.}
♈ = Aries. | : | ♄ = Saturn. |
♉ = Taurus. | : | ☉ = Sun. |
♊ = Gemini. | : | ☾ = Moon. |
♋ = Cancer. | : | ♂ = Mars. |
♌ = Leo. | : | ☿ = Mercury. |
♍ = Virgo. | : | ♃ = Jupiter. |
♎ = Libra. | : | ♀ = Venus. |
♏ = Scorpio. | : | |
♐ = Sagittarius. | : | |
♑ = Capricornus. | : | |
♒ = Aquarius. | : | |
♓ = Pisces. | : |
.---------. : : enclosing a number shows that the number is a perfect square. .---------. 4.Rt. before " " " a squared square. P# above " " " a perfect number. : .------- about " " " a factorial. ((See special table following.)) :: :.------- about " " " a sub-factorial. R(n) before " " " a reciprocal (or 'amicable') number. {WEH NOTE: / replaces the division symbol = "divided by"} SUM (1-k) is an abbreviation for "the sum of the first k natural numbers."
{WEH NOTE: This table was originally published five columns to a page. It is here reproduced as a single column, and the page ends are indicated by a lower case letter following the Roman numeral that marks the end of the page; e.g. {ixb} indicates the end of the second column on page ix.
Note also that Crowley gives “1” as the first odd number. This is not always used by mathematicians. More significantly, he takes “1” as the first Prime number, and hardly any mathematicians of his time or the present do that. The first prime number is considered to be “2” by mathematicians, with “1” being the multiplicative identity element.
The main structure of this table is that of a compressed factoralization reference, always yielding the lowest factor directly or implicitly. Once that is obtained, any remaining factors may be found after division by the first factor and recursion to the table. Even numbers and numbers divisible by five are omitted in view of the fact that the lowest factor of such numbers is obviously 2 or 5.}
.-----. : 1 : P. .-----. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 7 P. .-----. : 9 : 3 to the 2nd power .-----. 11 P. 13 P. 17 P. 19 P. 21 --- 23 P. 27 3 to the 3rd power 29 P. 31 P. 33 --- 37 P. 39 --- 41 P. 43 P. 47 P. .-----. : 49 : 7 to the 2nd power .-----. 51 --- 53 P. 57 --- 59 P. 61 P. 63 --- 67 P. 69 --- 71 P. 73 P. 77 7 79 P. .-----. : 81 : 3 to the 4th power = 9 to the 2nd power .-----. {viiia} 83 P. 87 --- 89 P. 91 7 93 --- 97 P. 99 --- 101 P. 103 P. 107 P. 109 P. 111 --- 113 P. 117 --- 119 7 .-----. : 121 : 11 to the 2nd power .-----. 123 --- 127 P. 129 --- 131 P. 133 7 137 P. 139 P. 141 --- 143 11 147 --- 149 P. 151 P. 153 --- 157 P. 159 --- 161 7 163 P. 167 P. .-----. : 169 : 13 to the 2nd power .-----. {viiib} 171 --- 173 P. 177 --- 179 P. 181 P. 183 --- 187 11 189 --- 191 P. 193 P. 197 P. 199 P. 201 --- 203 7 207 --- 209 11 211 P. 213 --- 217 7 219 --- 221 13 223 P. 227 P. 229 P. 231 --- 233 P. 237 --- 239 P. 241 P. 243 3 to the 5nd power 247 13 249 --- 251 P. 253 11 257 P. {viiic} 259 7 261 --- 263 P. 267 --- 269 P. 271 P. 273 --- 277 P. 279 --- 281 P. 283 P. 287 7 .-----. : 289 : 17 to the 2nd power .-----. 291 --- 293 P. 297 --- 299 13 301 7 303 --- 307 P. 309 --- 311 P. 313 P. 317 P. 319 11 321 --- 323 17 327 --- 329 7 331 P. 333 --- 337 P. 339 --- 341 11 343 7 {viiid} 347 P. 349 P. 351 --- 353 P. 357 --- 359 P. .-----. : 361 : 19 to the 2nd power .-----. 363 --- 367 P. 369 --- 371 7 373 P. 377 13 379 P. 381 --- 383 P. 387 --- 389 P. 391 17 393 --- 397 P. 399 --- 401 P. 403 13 407 11 409 P. 411 --- 413 7 417 --- 419 P. 421 P. 423 --- 427 7 429 --- 431 P. {viiie} 433 P. 437 19 439 P. .-----. : 441 : 21 to the 2nd power .-----. 443 P. 447 --- 449 P. 451 11 453 --- 457 P. 459 --- 461 P. 463 P. 467 P. 469 7 471 --- 473 11 477 --- 479 P. 481 13 483 --- 487 P. 489 --- 491 P. 493 17 497 7 499 P. 501 --- 503 P. 507 --- 509 P. 511 7 513 --- 517 11 519 --- 521 P. 523 P. 527 17 {ixa} .-----. : 529 : 23 to the 2nd power .-----. 531 --- 533 13 537 --- 539 7 541 P. 543 --- 547 P. 549 --- 551 19 553 7 557 --- 559 13 561 --- 563 P. 567 --- 569 P. 571 P. 573 --- 577 P. 579 --- 581 7 583 11 587 P. 589 17 591 --- 593 P. 597 --- 599 P. 601 P. 603 --- 607 P. 609 --- 611 13 613 P. 617 P. 619 P. 621 --- {ixb} 623 7 627 --- 629 17 631 P. 633 --- 637 7 639 --- 641 P. 643 P. 647 P. 649 11 651 --- 653 P. 657 --- 659 P. 661 P. 663 --- 667 23 669 --- 671 11 673 P. 677 P. 679 7 681 --- 683 P. 687 --- 689 13 691 P. 693 --- 697 17 699 --- 701 P. 703 19 707 7 709 P. 711 --- 713 23 717 --- {ixc} 719 P. 721 7 723 --- 727 P. .-----. : 729 : 3 to the 6th power = 9 to the 3rd power = 27 to the 2nd power .-----. 731 17 733 P. 737 11 739 P. 741 --- 743 P. 747 --- 749 7 751 P. 753 --- 757 P. 759 --- 761 P. 763 7 767 13 769 P. 771 --- 773 P. 777 --- 779 19 781 11 783 --- 787 P. 789 --- 791 7 793 13 797 P. 799 17 801 --- 803 11 807 --- 809 9 811 P. {ixd} 813 --- 817 19 819 --- 821 P. 823 P. 827 P. 829 P. 831 --- 833 7 837 --- 839 P. .-----. : 841 : 29 to the 2nd power .-----. 843 --- 847 7 849 --- 851 23 853 P. 857 P. 859 P. 861 --- 863 P. 867 --- 869 11 871 13 873 --- 877 P. 879 --- 881 P. 883 P. 887 P. 889 7 891 --- 893 19 897 --- 899 29 901 17 903 --- 907 P. {ixe} 909 --- 911 P. 913 11 917 7 919 P. 921 --- 923 13 927 --- 929 P. 931 7 933 --- 937 P. 939 --- 941 P. 943 23 947 P. 949 13 951 --- 953 P. 957 --- 959 7 .-----. : 961 : 31 to the 2nd power .-----. 963 --- 967 P. 969 --- 971 P. 973 7 977 P. 979 11 981 --- 983 P. 987 --- 989 23 991 P. 993 --- 997 P. 999 --- 1001 7 {xa} 1003 17 1007 19 1009 P. 1011 --- 1013 P. 1017 --- 1019 P. 1021 P. 1023 --- 1027 13 1029 --- 1031 P. 1033 P. 1037 17 1039 P. 1041 --- 1043 7 1047 --- 1049 P. 1051 P. 1053 --- 1057 7 1059 --- 1061 P. 1063 P. 1067 11 1069 P. 1071 --- 1073 29 1077 --- 1079 13 1081 23 1083 --- 1087 P. .-----. :1089 : 33 to the 2nd power .-----. 1091 P. 1093 P. 1097 P. {xb} 1099 7 1101 --- 1103 P. 1107 --- 1109 P. 1111 11 1113 --- 1117 P. 1119 --- 1121 19 1123 P. 1127 7 1129 P. 1131 --- 1133 11 1137 --- 1139 17 1141 7 1143 --- 1147 31 1149 --- 1151 P. 1153 P. 1157 13 1159 19 1161 --- 1163 P. 1167 --- 1169 7 1171 P. 1173 --- 1177 11 1179 --- 1181 P. 1183 7 1187 P. 1189 29 1191 --- {xc} 1193 P. 1197 --- 1199 11 1201 P. 1203 --- 1207 17 1209 --- 1211 7 1213 P. 1217 P. 1219 23 1221 --- 1223 P. 1227 --- 1229 P. 1231 P. 1233 --- 1237 P. 1239 --- 1241 17 1243 11 1247 29 1249 P. 1251 --- 1253 7 1257 --- 1259 P. 1261 13 1263 --- 1267 7 1269 --- 1271 31 1273 19 1277 P. 1279 P. 1281 --- 1283 P. 1287 --- {xd} 1289 P. 1291 P. 1293 --- 1297 P. 1299 --- 1301 P. 1303 P. 1307 P. 1309 7 1311 --- 1313 13 1317 --- 1319 P. 1321 P. 1323 --- 1327 P. 1329 --- 1331 11 1333 31 1337 7 1339 13 1341 --- 1343 17 1347 --- 1349 19 1351 7 1353 --- 1357 23 1359 --- 1361 P. 1363 29 1367 P. .-----. :1369 : 37 to the 2nd power .-----. 1371 --- 1373 P. 1377 --- 1379 7 1381 P. {xe} 1383 --- 1387 19 1389 --- 1391 13 1393 7 1397 11 1399 P. 1401 --- 1403 23 1407 --- 1409 P. 1411 17 1413 --- 1417 13 1419 --- 1421 7 1423 P. 1427 P. 1429 P. 1431 --- 1433 P. 1437 --- 1439 P. 1441 11 1443 --- 1447 P. 1449 --- 1451 P. 1453 P. 1457 31 1459 P. 1461 --- 1463 7 1467 --- 1469 13 1471 P. 1473 --- 1477 7 {xia} 1479 --- 1481 P. 1483 P. 1487 P. 1489 P. 1491 --- 1493 P. 1497 --- 1499 P. 1501 19 1503 --- 1507 11 1509 --- 1511 P. 1513 17 1517 37 1519 7 .-----. :1521 : --- 39 to the 2nd power .-----. 1523 P. 1527 --- 1529 11 1531 P. 1533 --- 1537 29 1539 --- 1541 23 1543 P. 1547 7 1549 P. 1551 --- 1553 P. 1557 --- 1559 P. 1561 7 1563 --- 1567 P. 1569 --- 1571 P. {xib} 1573 11 1577 19 1579 P. 1581 --- 1583 P. 1587 --- 1589 7 1591 37 1593 --- 1597 P. 1599 --- 1601 P. 1603 7 1607 P. 1609 P. 1611 --- 1613 P. 1617 --- 1619 P. 1621 P. 1623 --- 1627 P. 1629 --- 1631 7 1633 23 1637 P. 1639 11 1641 --- 1643 31 1647 --- 1649 17 1651 13 1653 --- 1657 P. 1659 --- 1661 11 1663 P. 1667 P. {xic} 1669 P. 1671 --- 1673 7 1677 --- 1679 23 .-----. :1681 : --- 41 to the 2nd power .-----. 1683 --- 1687 7 1689 --- 1691 19 1693 P. 1697 P. 1699 P. 1701 --- 1703 13 1707 --- 1709 P. 1711 29 1713 --- 1717 17 1719 --- 1721 P. 1723 P. 1727 11 1729 7 1731 --- 1733 P. 1737 --- 1739 37 1741 P. 1743 --- 1747 P. 1749 --- 1751 17 1753 P. 1757 7 1759 P. 1761 --- {xid} 1763 41 1767 --- 1769 29 1771 7 1773 --- 1777 P. 1779 --- 1781 13 1783 P. 1787 P. 1789 P. 1791 --- 1793 11 1797 --- 1799 7 1801 P. 1803 --- 1807 13 1809 --- 1811 P. 1813 7 1817 23 1819 17 1821 --- 1823 P. 1827 --- 1829 31 1831 P. 1833 --- 1837 11 1839 --- 1841 7 1843 19 1847 P. .-----. :1849 : 43 to the 2nd power .-----. 1851 --- 1853 17 1857 --- {xie} 1859 11 1861 P. 1863 --- 1867 P. 1869 --- 1871 P. 1873 P. 1877 P. 1879 P. 1881 --- 1883 7 1887 --- 1889 P. 1891 31 1893 --- 1897 7 1899 --- 1901 P. 1903 11 1907 P. 1909 23 1911 --- 1913 P. 1917 --- 1919 19 1921 17 1923 --- 1927 41 1929 --- 1931 P. 1933 P. 1937 13 1939 7 1941 --- 1943 29 1947 --- 1949 P. 1951 P. {xiia} 1953 --- 1957 19 1959 --- 1961 37 1963 13 1967 7 1969 11 1971 --- 1973 P. 1977 --- 1979 P. 1981 7 1983 --- 1987 P. 1989 --- 1991 11 1993 P. 1997 P. 1999 P. 2001 --- 2003 P. 2007 --- 2009 7 2011 P. 2013 --- 2017 P. 2019 --- 2021 43 2023 7 2027 P. 2029 P. 2031 --- 2033 19 2037 --- 2039 P. 2041 13 2043 --- 2047 23 {xiib} 2049 --- 2051 7 2053 P. 2057 11 2059 29 2061 --- 2063 P. 2067 --- 2069 P. 2071 19 2073 --- 2077 31 2079 --- 2081 P. 2083 P. 2087 P. 2089 P. 2091 --- 2093 7 2097 --- 2099 P. 2101 11 2103 --- 2107 7 2109 --- 2111 P. 2113 P. 2117 29 2119 13 2121 --- 2123 11 2127 --- 2129 P. 2131 P. 2133 --- 2137 P. 2139 --- 2141 P. {xiic} 2143 P. 2147 19 2149 7 2151 --- 2153 P. 2157 --- 2159 17 2161 P. 2163 --- 2167 11 2169 --- 2171 13 2173 41 2177 7 2179 P. 2181 --- 2183 37 2187 3 to the 7th power 2189 11 9191 7 2193 --- 2197 13 2199 --- 2201 31 2203 P. 2207 P. .-----. :2209 : 47 to the 2nd power .-----. 2211 --- 2213 P. 2217 --- 2219 7 2221 P. 2223 --- 2227 17 2229 --- 2231 23 2233 11 2237 P. {xiid} 2239 P. 2241 --- 2243 P. 2247 --- 2249 13 2251 P. 2253 --- 2257 37 2259 --- 2261 7 2263 31 2267 P. 2269 P. 2271 --- 2273 P. 2277 --- 2279 43 2281 P. 2283 --- 2287 P. 2289 --- 2291 29 2293 P. 2297 P. 2299 11 2301 --- 2303 7 2307 --- 2309 P. 2311 P. 2313 --- 2317 7 2319 --- 2321 11 2323 23 2327 13 2329 17 2331 --- {xiie} 2333 P. 2337 --- 2339 P. 2341 P. 2343 --- 2347 P. 2349 --- 2351 P. 2353 13 2357 P. 2359 7 2361 --- 2363 17 2367 --- 2369 23 2371 P. 2373 --- 2377 P. 2379 --- 2381 P. 2383 P. 2387 7 2389 P. 2391 --- 2393 P. 2397 --- 2399 P. .-----. :2401 : 7 to the 4th power = 49 to the 2nd power .-----. 2403 --- 2407 29 2409 --- 2411 P. 2413 19 2417 P. 2419 41 2421 --- 2423 P. 2427 --- {xiiia} 2429 7 2431 11 2433 --- 2437 P. 2439 --- 2441 P. 2443 7 2447 P. 2449 31 2451 --- 2453 11 2457 --- 2459 P. 2461 23 2463 --- 2467 P. 2469 --- 2471 7 2473 P. 2477 P. 2479 37 2481 --- 2483 13 2487 --- 2489 19 2491 47 2493 --- 2497 11 2499 --- 2501 41 2503 P. 2507 23 2509 13 2511 --- 2513 7 2517 --- 2519 11 2521 P. {xiiib} 2523 --- 2527 7 2529 --- 2531 P. 2533 17 2537 43 2539 P. 2541 --- 2543 P. 2547 --- 2549 P. 2551 P. 2553 --- 2557 P. 2559 --- 2561 13 2563 11 2567 17 2569 7 2571 --- 2573 31 2577 --- 2579 P. 2581 29 2583 --- 2587 13 2589 --- 2591 P. 2593 P. 2597 7 2599 23 .-----. :2601 : --- 51 to the 2nd power .-----. 2603 19 2607 --- 2609 P. 2611 7 2613 --- 2617 P. {xiiic} 2619 --- 2621 P. 2623 43 2627 37 2629 11 2631 --- 2633 P. 2637 --- 2639 7 2641 19 2643 --- 2647 P. 2649 --- 2651 11 2653 7 2657 P. 2659 P. 2661 --- 2663 P. 2667 --- 2669 17 2671 P. 2673 --- 2677 P. 2679 --- 2681 7 2683 P. 2687 P. 2689 P. 2691 --- 2693 P. 2697 --- 2699 P. 2701 37 2703 --- 2707 P. 2709 --- 2711 P. {xiiid} 2713 P. 2717 11 2719 P. 2721 --- 2723 7 2727 --- 2729 P. 2731 P. 2733 --- 2737 7 2739 --- 2741 P. 2743 13 2747 41 2749 P. 2751 --- 2753 P. 2757 --- 2759 31 2761 11 2763 --- 2767 P. 2769 --- 2771 17 2773 47 2777 P. 2779 7 2781 --- 2783 11 2787 --- 2789 P. 2791 P. 2793 --- 2797 P. 2799 --- 2801 P. 2803 P. 2807 7 {xiiie} .-----. :2809 : --- 53 to the 2nd power .-----. 2811 --- 2813 29 2817 --- 2819 P. 2821 7 2823 --- 2827 11 2829 --- 2831 19 2833 P. 2837 P. 2839 17 2841 --- 2843 P. 2847 --- 2849 7 2851 P. 2853 --- 2857 P. 2859 --- 2861 P. 2863 7 2867 47 2869 19 2871 --- 2873 13 2877 --- 2879 P. 2881 43 2883 --- 2887 P. 2889 --- 2891 7 2893 11 2897 P. 2899 13 2901 --- {xiva} 2903 P. 2907 --- 2909 P. 2911 41 2913 --- 2917 P. 2919 --- 2921 23 2923 37 2927 P. 2929 29 2931 --- 2933 7 2937 --- 2939 P. 2941 17 2943 --- 2947 7 2949 --- 2951 13 2953 P. 2957 P. 2959 11 2961 --- 2963 P. 2967 --- 2969 P. 2971 P. 2973 --- 2977 13 2979 --- 2981 11 2983 19 2987 29 2989 7 2991 --- 2993 41 2997 --- {xivb} 2999 P. 3001 P. 3003 --- 3007 31 3009 --- 3011 P. 3013 23 3017 7 3019 P. 3021 --- 3023 P. 3027 --- 3029 13 3031 7 3033 --- 3037 P. 3039 --- 3041 P. 3043 17 3047 11 3049 P. 3051 --- 3053 43 3057 --- 3059 7 3061 P. 3063 --- 3067 P. 3069 --- 3071 37 3073 7 3077 17 3079 P. 3081 --- 3083 P. 3087 --- 3089 P. 3091 11 {xivc} 3093 --- 3097 19 3099 --- 3101 7 3103 29 3107 13 3109 P. 3111 --- 3113 11 3117 --- 3119 P. 3121 P. 3123 --- 3127 53 3129 --- 3131 31 3133 13 3137 P. 3139 43 3141 --- 3143 7 3147 --- 3149 47 3151 23 3153 --- 3157 7 3159 --- 3161 29 3163 P. 3167 P. 3169 P. 3171 --- 3173 19 3177 --- 3179 11 3181 P. 3183 --- 3187 P. {xivd} 3189 --- 3191 P. 3193 31 3197 23 3199 7 3201 --- 3203 P. 3207 --- 3209 P. 3211 13 3213 --- 3217 P. 3219 --- 3221 P. 3223 11 3227 7 3229 P. 3231 --- 3233 53 3237 --- 3239 41 3241 7 3243 --- 3247 17 .-----. :3249 : --- 57 to the 2nd power .-----. 3251 P. 3253 P. 3257 P. 3259 P. 3261 --- 3263 13 3267 --- 3269 7 3271 P. 3273 --- 3277 29 3279 --- 3281 17 {xivd}
{WEH NOTE: The table ends along the top of the next page in five short columns. These are here presented as above, with triple spaces at the ends.}
3283 7 3287 19 3289 11 3291 --- 3293 37 3297 --- 3299 P. 3301 P. 3303 --- 3307 P. 3309 --- 3311 7 3313 P. 3317 31 3319 P. 3321 --- "The first dozen factorials, and sub-factorials; and the ratios they bear to one another; note that" :n .-- / = e :: n :.--- .---.-------------.-------------.-------------.-------------. : N : : N : :: N : : N /:: N ::: N / : N : : : .--- : :.--- : .--- :.--- ::.--- .--- : :---+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------: : : : : : : : 1 : 1 : 0 : Infinity : 0.000000 : : 2 : 2 : 1 : 2.000000 : 0.500000 : : 3 : 6 : 2 : 3.000000 : 0.333333 : : 4 : 24 : 9 : 2.666666 : 0.375000 : : 5 : 120 : 44 : 2.727272 : 0.366666 : : 6 : 720 : 265 : 2.716981 : 0.368055 : : 7 : 5040 : 1854 : 2.718446 : 0.367857 : : 8 : 40320 : 14833 : 2.718262 : 0.367881 : : 9 : 362880 : 133496 : 2.718283 : 0.367879 : :10 : 3628800 : 1334961 : 2.718281 : 0.367879 : :11 : 39916800 : 14684570 : 2.718281 : 0.367879 : :12 : 479001600 : 176214841 : 2.718281 : 0.367879 : : : : : : : .---.-------------.-------------.-------------.-------------. Factorial n, or :n, is the continued product of all the whole numbers .-- from 1 to n inclusive and is the number of ways in which n different things can be arranged. Sub-factorial n, or ::n, is the nearest whole number to :n / e, :.-- .-- and is the number of ways in which a row of n elements may be so deranged, that no element may have its original position. Thus: :n = 1 x 2 x 3 x ... x n, .-- 1 x 2 x 3 x ... x n and ::n = ------------------- + or - h, :.-- 2.71828188... where h is the smaller decimal fraction less than unity by which the fraction 1 x 2 x 3 x ... x n ------------------- differs from a whole number, and is to be added or 2.71828188... subtracted as the case may be. --- The most useful expression for ::n is: :.-- n n(n-1) n(n-)(n-2) ::n = :n - - :n - 1 + ------ :n - 2 - ----------- :n - 3 + etc. :.-- - .-- 1 .----- 1 x 2 .----- 1 x 2 x 3 .----- to (n + 1) terms. 1 2 3 e = 1 + -- + -- + -- + ... to Infinity - :1 :2 :3 .- .- .- = 2.71828188... . {xv} - {WEH NOTE: was Figures of the letters Names Now is Hebrew sub- Value English equivalents of the letters stitution code} of the letters of the letters (M) Aleph א 1 A (D) Beth ב 2 B (D) Gimel ג 3 G (D) Daleth ד 4 D (S) Heh ה 5 H (E) (S) Vau ו 6 V (U) (S) Zayin ז 7 Z (S) Kheth (Cheth) ח 8 Ch (S) Teth ט 9 T (S) Yodh י 10 Y (I or J) (D) Kaph כ ך 20 500 K (S) Lamed ל 30 L (M) Mem מ ם 40 600 M (S) Nun נ ן 50 700 N (S) Samekh ס 60 S (S) Ayin ע 70 O (A'a or Ng) (D) Peh פ ף 80 800 P (S) Tzaddi צ ץ 90 900 Tz (S) Qoph ק 100 Q (D) Resh ר 200 R (M) Shin ש 300 S Sh (D) Tau ת 400 T Th
When written large, the Value of a Hebrew letter is increased to one thousand times its ordinary value. A large Aleph is counted 1000: a large Beth, 2000: and so on.
Note that A, I, O, U, H, are really consonants, mere bases for vowels. These vowels are not here given, as they have no importance in Gematria.2)
M, D, and S before the names of the letters shews their division into Mothers, Double and Single letters, referred respectively to active Elements, Air, Water, Fire, Planets, and Signs. But HB:Sh and HB:Th also serve to signify the Elements of Spirit and of Earth. See Liber 777. {xvi}
{WEH NOTE: In the following, the original is divided into two columns per page. For considerations of space and monitor display, this format has been changed to one column with a notation of the page at bottom: e.g. {3a} = left side of page 3 and {3b} = right side of page 3.
Calculation and linked Hebrew spelling errors in the original are left in place and identified to the right in the same format as this note, sometimes with “WEH:” and sometimes simply in curly brackets. All text within curly brackets for the remainder of this transcript is added, not part of the original. Additional cross-reference notes in this format follow the last original entry for each number in cases of error in original on another entry. “Liber 777” references have been checked and errors noted in the same fashion.
Some curiosity will undoubtedly be evoked by the many Latin meanings of Hebrew words given below. Most of these are directly from the glossary in “Kabbalah Denudata”, but others are euphemisms for sexual terms. “Kabbalah Denudata” is available on microfilm, but no translation of the Latin or checking of the entries from that source or “Kabbalah Unveiled” by Mathers has been attempted yet.
An extensive study of these entries will be included in the Gematria project now in process of compilation by Bill Heidrick. This project is expected to ultimately extend to several times the number of entries here, including notes of source, discussions of differences between Crowley's approach and that of traditional Qabalah and into new areas.
Note that in the 1st edition, the following pages of Sepher Sephiroth are printed and numbered on one side only. In the Weiser edition, the pages are printed on both sides.
In this ASCII version, finals and medials are not distinguished by symbols. All instances of final letters are noted in the associated text. Hebrew words are not prefaced by “HB:” unless circumstances require it.}
:1. :: 2. P# .-- :.-- The Mystic number Pi Sq.Rt. 1 of Kether. S. P. M. :2. ::3. .-- :.-- S. S. F. Pi 2 [Abbreviation for 422, A:A: ARYK ANPYN, q.v.] SUM (1-2). Saturn. The Mystic Pi 3 Number of Chokmah Father AB To come, go BA The Number of Abra-Melin Sq.Rt. 4 Princes. Jupiter. 2 to the 2nd power Father ABA Hollow; a vein BB Proud GA Mars Pi 5 Mist, vapour AD Back BG :3. P# SUM (1-3). .-- Sun. The Mystic 6 Number of Binah To gather, collect GBA Gog, the giant whose partner is GG Magog A bear DB A window HA Venus Pi 7 Lost, ruined ABD A name of GOD attributed to AHA Venus. Initials of Adonai ha-Aretz Desire; either, or AV {1a} Gad, a Tribe of Israel; good GD fortune Was weary DAB Riches, power DBA Fish DG 2 to the 3rd power. The Number of 3rd Rt. 8 Abra-Melin Sub-Princes, and of the Servitors of Oriens. Mercury To will, intend ABH Desired, beloved AHB AVA Then AZ The entrance, threshold BAH To be anxious, grieve DAG Love; beloved, breast; pleasures DD of love Nqn. Zauir Anpin 478 q.v. ZA ::4. :.-- 3 to the 2nd power . Sq.Rt. 9 Saturn. Moon Ventriloquus: the special 'fire' AVB of black magic, whence Obi, Obeah. Cf. 11 and 207 He kindled AZA Brother ACh A garment BGD Became powerful, grew high GAH Middle GV Splendour; cf. 15 HD SUM (1-4). The Mystic Number of 10 Chesed. Elementorum Sphaera. The Number of Abra-Melin Servitors of Amaimon and Ariton Enchanter AT [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 185] BGH {1b} Elevated, exalted, high GBH Flew, soared DAH Two DV Window HH A wolf ZAB A hidden place; bosom ChB Pi 11 Ahah AHH Firebrand, volcanic fire: the AVD Special 'fire' or 'light' of the Sacred Magic of Light, Life, and Love; hence "Odic Force" &c. Cf. 9 and 207 Where AY When BBVA To tear, cut, attack GDD Gold (Ch.) DHB Proud, haughty ZD To conceal ChBA A circularity of form or motion; ChG a feast 12 He longed for, missed AVH He departed, went forth AZD A little book, pamphlet, letter; GT tools To multiply DGH A city of Edom HBH HE. [HB:H is referred to Mater, HVA HB:V to Pater, HB:A to Corona] Vau; hook, nail, pin VV This, that ZH To penetrate, be sharp; (Ch.) one ChD Pi 13 A small bundle, bunch AGDH Beloved; Love AHBH {2a} Unity AChD Hated AYB Emptiness BHV Raised up GHH Chokmah, 42-fold Name in GY Yetzirah. (See 777) Anxiety DAGH A fisher DVG Thunder; to meditate; he HGH remembers A city of Edom HDD Here; this ZV A locust ChGB He shall come YBA 14 Rhamnus; a thorn, spine ATD Rising ground; Earth of GYA Geburah. (See 777) Sacrifice v. s. (Ch.). (?) DBCh Love, beloved: David DVD Give, give! [Vide HB HB no. 17, YHB} To grind, direct, stretch out HDH Gold ZHB Hand YD SUM (1 - 5). SUM (1 - (3x3)) / 3. The 15 Mystic Number of Geburah. The Number of Abra-Melin Servitors of Asmodee and Magot, and of Paimon Angel of 3rd Dec. Sagittarius ABVHA The month of Exodus and ABYB Passover Steam, vapour AYD Pride; a carrying out; GAVH exaltation {2b} Splendour, the Eighth Sephira HVD Overflowing, abounding ZVB He who impels; to force ZCh To hide ChBH The Monogram of the Eternal YH The Number of Abra-Melin Sq.Rt. 4th Rt. 16 Servitors of Asmodee Hyssopus AZVB He seized, cleaved to AChZ Elevated, exalted, high GBVH (Verb. subst.) Injury, war, lust; HVH fell She HYA Alas! --- Woe VY Like, equal to ZVG Pi 17 Nuts AGVZ Ah! --- Alas! AVY Capricornus GDY Nerve, sinew. [Gen. xxxii. GYD 25 & 32] Narrative, subtle discourse HGDH K.D. L.C.K. p. 267 HHVA To dream, rave HZH A fly ZBVB Sacrificed ZBCh To seethe, boil ZVD To brighten, make joyful ChDH A circle, orbit ChVG Good TVB To give, place YHB 18 My favourite, my beloved AHBY Hatred AYBH The antique Serpent ChTA {3a} Living ChY Notariqon of Yehi Aur, etc. YAVA Pi 19 Angel L.T.D. of Sagittarius AHVZ An enemy AVYB Job AYVB Was black DYH Chavvah; to manifest, shew ChVH forth; Eve The Number of Abra-Melin 20 Servitors of Amaimon Fraternity AChVH Black liquid DYV It was HYH The breast; a vision; a prophet ChZH to gaze Jobab, an Edomite King YVBB The hand YVD SUM (1 - 6). The Mystic Number 21 of Tiphareth Existence, Being, the Kether- AHYH name of GOD But, yet, certainly AK Deep meditation HGYG Ah! --- Alas! HVY Purity, innocence ZChV Yide Sepher Yetzirah YHV The Number of Abra-Melin 22 Servitors of Ariton With his hand; Night Demon BYDV of 1st Dec. Cancer By Yodh BYVD Hearer in secret; Angel HAAYH of 8 W. The state of puberty ZVVG A magical vision (Ch.) ChZVA {3b} Wheat ChTH Good TVBH Notariqon of "Tet. Elohim YAYA Tet. Achad." Unity YChD Pi 23 Parted, removed, separated ZChCh Joy ChDVH A thread ChVT Life ChYH :4. The Number of the 'Elders' 24 .-- in the Apocalypse He whom I love AHVBY He who loves me AVHBY A Mercurial GOD. His AZBVGH essence is HB:AZ , 8 Substance; a body GVYH A pauper DK Angel of 2 C. HBBYH Abundance ZYZ A water-pot, a large earthenware KD vessel 5 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 25 To break DKA The Beast ChYVA Jehewid, God of Geburah YHVD of Binah((WEH NOTE: sic. s.b. Briah)) Let there be YHY Will be separated YZCh Thus KH The Numbers of the Sephiroth of 26 the Middle Pillar, 1 + 6 + 9 + 10 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 273] HVYH Seeing, looking at ChVZH {4a} Sight, vision ChZVH TETRAGRAMATON, YHVH "Jehovah," the Unutterable Name, the Lost Word Kebad, husband of the impure KBD Lilith. [K.D. L.C.K. 464] 3 to the 3rd power 3rd Rt 27 Wept, mourned BKH Purity ZK A parable, enigma, riddle ChYDH P# SUM (1 - 7). The Mystic Number 28 of Netzach Clay TYT Union, unity YChVD Power KCh Pi 29 Is broken. [Ps. x. 10] DKH To break down, overturn HDK 30 A party to an action at law; ChYYB defendant, plaintiff. [Note HB:L = 30 = Libra = 'Justice'] Judah YHVDH It will be YHYH Pi 31 How? AYK GOD of Chesed and of Kether AL of Briah To go HVK A beating, striking, collision HKAH And there was. [Vide S.D.I. VYHY par. 31] K. of S. Fig. 31 YYAY Not LA {4b} 2 to the 5th power . 5th .Rt. 32 The Number of Abramelin Servitors 25 of Astarot Coalescence of AHYH and AHYHVH YHVH Macroprosopus and Microprosopus. This is symbolized by the Hexagram. Suppose the 3 HB:H's conceal the 3 Mothers HB:A, HB:M & HB:Sh and we get 358 q.v. Lord BL Angel of 5 W. VHVYH Copula Maritalis ZYVVG Was pure ZKH Zig-zag, fork-lightning ChZYZ Unity K.D. L.C.K. p. 432 YChYD Glory KBVD Mind, heart LB 33 Sorrow; wept, mourned ABL Day Demon of 1st Dec. Aries BAL To destroy (Ch.); (?) a King BLA of Edom Spring, fountain GL SUM (1 - (4 x 4)) / 4. Jupiter 34 "GOD the Father," divine AL AB name attributed to Jupiter To ransom, avenge, pollute GAL To reveal GLA A pauper DL A common person; uneducated, HDYVT ignorant Angel of 1 C. ChHVYH {5a} 35 Agla, a name of God; AGLA notariqon of Ateh Gibor le-Olahm Adonai Boundary, limit GBL He will go YHK 6 to the 2nd power = SUM (1 - 8). Sq.Rt. 36 Sun. The Mystic Number of Hod Tabernaculum AHL How? (Vide Lamentations) AYKH Duke of Geburah in Edom; ALH to curse; name of GOD attributed to Mercury To remove, cast away HLA Confession VYDVY Leah LAH Perhaps, possibly; would that! LV Pi 37 Angel of 8 P. AKAYH GOD (Ch.) ALHA Behold! ALV Perished, grew old BLH To grow great GDL Banner DGL Tenuity, breath, vanity; in vain; HBL Abel. [I.Z.Q., "The Supernal Breathers."] Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Sagittarius VAL Profession ZL Jechidah, the Atma of Hindu YChYDH philosophy Flame LHB (?) Devotion of force LZ {5b} 38 Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Cancer AVAL He departed AZL Ghazi, servant of Elisha YChZY A City in the Mountains of GLH Judah Innocent ZKAY The palate ChYK To make a hole, hollow; to ChL violate Green LCh 39 To abide, dwell ZBL Dew TL The Eternal is One YHVH AChD Angel of 3 P. YChVYH Metathesis of YHVH KVZV He cursed LT 40 Bildad BLDD Liberator; title of Jesod GVAL To cut off GZL A rope; ruin; to bind ChBL Milk ChLB The Hand of the Eternal YD YHVH To me, to mine LY Pi 41 Fecundity AChLB Ram; force; hence = a hero AYL Night Demon of 1st Dec. Virgo ALVD My GOD ALY Mother AM To fail, cease BTL {6a} Divine Majesty GAVAL Terminus GBVL To burn GChL Terror HVL To go round in a circle ChGL [Vide Ps. cxviii. & I.R.Q. YH YHVH 778] The Number of the letters of a great 42 name of GOD terrible and strong, and of the Assessors of the Dead Angel of AYAL Eloah, a name of GOD ALVH The Supernal Mother, AMA unfertilized; see 52 Terror, calamity BLHH Loss, destruction BLY To cease ChDL The World, Earth of Malkuth ChLD My glory KBVDY Pi 43 Great GDVL To rejoice GYL Challah; to make faint. ChLH [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 346] [Vide K.D. L.C.K, p. 151; LBYA see no. 340] Hazel, almond LVZ ::5. :.-- 220 / 5 44 Drops AGLY A pool, pond; sorrow AGM Captive, captivity GVLH Angel ruling Gemini GYAL {6b} Aquarius DLY Blood DM Sand: also horror. See ChVL Scorpion Pantacle in K. of S. and 10th Aethyr A ram; Aries TLH Tet. in ? World. YVD HA VV HA [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 251] Flame LHT SUM (1 - 9). The Mystic Number 45 of Jesod Intelligence of Saturn AGYAL Adam ADM The Fool AMD Redemption, liberation GAVLH To grow warm HM Heaven of Tiphareth ZBVL Hesitated. [Vide no. 405] ZChL Spirit of Saturn ZZAL She who ruins ChBLH Tet. in Yetzirah YVD HA VAV HA Greatly, strongly MAD Yetzirah's 'Secret Nature' MH [Vide I.R.Q. xxxiv.] 46 A name of GOD ALHY A female slave; cubitus AMH Tin, the metal of Jupiter BDYL A dividing, sundering, HBDLH separation Angel of 7 S. HHHAL A ruiner ChVBL Angel ruling Taurus TVAL {7a} Levi, Levite LVY Pi 47 Foolish, silly. (Stultus) AVYL A weeping BKYYH Cloud; high place; waves; BMH fortress Angel ruling Virgo YVAL To clutch, hold ChLT 48 Mercy GDVLH Angel of 2 W. VHVAL A woman [vide K.D. L.C.K. ChYL p. 320]; strength; an army To grow warm; heat, fire; black; ChM Ham, the son of Noah Jubilee YVBL A star, planet; Sphere of Mercury KVKB [Vide Ps. xciii, & Prov. viii. 22] MAZ The Number of Abra-Melin Sq.Rt. 49 Servitors of Beelzebub. 7 to the 2nd power. Venus The Living GOD LA ChY Qliphoth of Geburah GVLChB Resembled; meditated; DMH silent Intelligence of Venus HGYAL Drooping, being sick ChVLH Strength ChYLA Heat, fury (Ch.) ChMA A bringing forth, birth, nativity LYDH A measuring, measure MDH Solve. Vide no. 103] MVG The Rod of Aaron MT {7b} 50 Red earth, the soil; Earth of ADMH Chesed Closed, shut up ATM Angel of 9 P. ALDYH Jonah's Whale DG GDVL To ferment HMH Pains, sorrows ChBLY Unclean, impure TMA 58th HB:Sh YYL 2nd HB:Sh YLY The sea YM All, every KL To thee LK What? --- Which? MY 51 Edom ADVM Terrible; Day Demon of 2nd AYM Dec. Scorpio Ate; devoured AKL Pain AN Tumultuously (vide no. 451); HVM to harass, perturb Angel of 8 S. [Vide K. of S., YHHAL fig. 52] Failure NA 52 Father and Mother ABA VAMA Supernal Mother AYMA Elihu - Eli Hua, "He is my ALYHV GOD," who is the Holy Guardian Angel of Job in the Alegory {8a} [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 134] ANA A mare; brute animal, beast BHMH Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Sagittarius BYM From all, among all BKL The Son: Assiah's "Secret BN Nature" Meditation, imagination, sin ZMH A desirable one; to desire ChMD A husband's brother YBM Angel of Kether of Binah, YHVAL ((WEH NOTE: sic, s.b. Briah.)) and of Jesod of Binah ((WEH NOTE: sic, s.b. Briah.)) Tet. in Assiah YVD HH VV HH A dog KLB Angel of 4 C., and of 10 P. LAVYH The Number of Abra-Melin Servitors Pi 53 of Astarot and Asmodee The stone that slew Goliath; ABN a stone, rock Elihu. (Vide 52) ALYHVA The garden GN Angel of 9 P. HZYAL To defend, hide; a wall; the ChMH sun; fury The spleen TChVL A lover MAHBH 54 A basin, bowl, vessel. AGN [Ex. xxiv. 6] Rest DMY A Tribe of Israel; to judge, rule. DN [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p.37] Pertaining to summer ChVM {8b} My flame; enchantments LHTY A bed; stick, rod MTH To remove ND SUM (1 - 10). The Mystic Number of 55 Malkuth Thief; stole GNB Robbery, pillage GZYLH Silence. [For name of Angels, DVMH see Sohar Sch. V. Cap. 18] A footstool HDVM To swell, heave. [Vide no. 51] HYM To walk HLK Knuckle; member, limb ChVLYA The bride KLH Noon; midday NGB Ornament NH 56 Dread, terror AYMH He suffered ANH Angel of 4 C. HYYAL Day YVM Beautiful NAH 57 Rim ABDN Consuming AVKL Wealth, an age, Time; Night AVN Demon of 1st Dec. Scorpio Formidable, terrible AYVM We ANV A breaking down, subversion, BYTVL destruction {9a} Built BNH Pisces. [Fish (pl.); vide 7] DGYM Angel of 8 C. VVLYH Angel of 5 C. LVVYH Altar MZBCh The laying-by, making secret MChBVA 58 [Vide no. 499] AHBYM [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 69] AZN An ear Night Demon of 1st Dec. Sagittarius DAGN My strength, power, might ChYLY Love, kindness, grace; notariqon ChN of Chokmah Nesthrah, the Secret Wisdom Ruler of Water TLYHD Angel of 6 S. YYZAL Angel of 3 P. LHChYH [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 69] NCh Pi 59 Brethren. [Referred to Lilith AChYM & Samael --- K.D. L.C.K. p. 54] Heathen GVYM A wall ChVMH Menstruata NDH 60 Tried by fire; a watch-tower BChN Excellence, sublimity, glory, GAVN pride Constitution, tradition HLKH To behold HNH A basket TNA Angel of 8 C. YLHYH {9b} Vision MChZH The Southern district NGBH Pi 61 Master, Lord, Adon ADVN The Negative, non-existent; not AYN Towards, to thee ALYK I, myself ANY The belly BTN Angel of 10 S. DMBYH Wealth HVN Angel of 6 C. YYYAL Habitaculum NVH 62 Healing ASA Angel of 2nd Dec. Aries BHHMY The sons BNY To commit; healing ZNH 63 Abaddon, The Hell of Chesed ABDVN Dregs, roll; faeces (globular); GLL dung Fed ZVN The nose ChVTM Fervour ChYMH Tet. in Briah YVD HY VAV HY Briah's "Secret Nature" SG 8 to the 2nd power = Sq.Rt. 3rd Rt. 6th Rt. 64 4 to the 3rd power = 2 to the 6th power. Mercury A sigh, groan, deep breath ANChH Justice DYN (Din and Doni are twin Mercurial DNY Intelligences in Gemini) {10a} The golden waters MY ZHB [I.R.Q. xl. 996] MYZHB Prophecy NBVAH Sphere of Venus NVGH Noach NVCh SUM (1 - (5 x 5)) / 5. The Number of 65 Abra-Melin Servitors of Magot and Kore Adonai ADNY Weasels and other terrible AVChYM animals The Palace HYKL Shone, gloried, praised HLL To keep silence HS Defective. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. ChZN p. 339] 6th HB:Sh LLH A door post MZVZH A beating, striking MKH [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 563] NHY The Mystic Number of the Qliphoth, 66 and of the Great Work. SUM (1 - 11) Food, vituals AKYLH The Lord thy GOD (is a ALHYK consuming Fire). [Deut.iv.24] A ship ANYH A trial, an experiment BChVN A wheel. [Called "Cognomen GLGL Schechinae"] A City of Edom DNHBH {10b} Pi 67 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 57] AVNY The Understanding BYNH Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Gemini VYNA Zayin ZYN Debased ZLL To embalm ChNT Angel of 3 C. YBMYH 68 Wise. --- Intelliget ista? VYBN To be wise ChKM Emptiness ChLL To pity ChS Ramus Tabernacularis LVLB 69 A manger, stable; an enclosure ABVS Myrtle HDS L.A. Angel of Pisces VKBYLA 70 (A proper name) ADNYH Hush, be silent HSH Wine YYN Night LYL [Vide Ps. xxv. 14.] The Secret SVD Pi 71 Thy terror AYMK Nothing; an apparition, image ALYL Silence; silent ALM Night Demon of 1st Dec. Aquarius AMDVK Lead, the metal of Saturn; a ANK plummet-line, level, water- level. {11a} Vision ChZVN A dove, pigeon YVNH A dove YNVH Plentitude, fullness MLA [72 x 3 = 216, ARYH; vide K.D. 72 L.C.K. p. 151.] There are 72 quinaries (spaces of 5 Degree) in the Zodiac. The Shemhamphorasch or 'divided name' of GOD consists of 72 triliteral names, which by adding YH or AL give 72 angels. Vide Lib. DCCLXXVII Adonai, transliterated as by ADVNAY Lemegeton, etc. Geomantic Intelligence ADVKYAL of Sagittarius In, so, thus, then BKN In the secret BSVD And they are excellent, finished VYKLV Kindness, mercy ChSD Tet. in Atziluth YVD HY VYV HY Maccabee MKBY Atziluth's "Secret Nature" --- a'aB thickness, cloud; Aub Pi 73 Demon-King of Hod, and BLYAL Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Aquarius Gimel GML The Wise One ChKMH To trust in, shelter in ChSH A day of feast YVM TVB 74 A leader, chief, judge DYYN {11b} Worn-out (?shameless) Beggars DKYM Ox-goad LMD A circuit; roundabout SBYB All the way, constantly a'aD 75 Hues, colours, complexions GVVNY Lucifer, the Herald Star HYLL Vide K. of S., fig. 53] YKDYAL A lamenting, wailing YLLH The Pleiades KYMH Night; by night LYLH NUIT, THE STAR GODDESS NVYT 76 Secret, put away; a hiding- ChBYVN place Rest, peace NYChCh Slave, servant a'aBD 77 Prayed Ba'aH The river Gihon. [Gen. ii. 13] GYChVN Overflowing. [Ps. cxxiv. 5] ZYDVN Towers, citadels MGDL The Influence from Kether MZL Strength; a he-goat a'aZ There are 78 cards in the Tarot. 78 SUM (1 - 12). The Mystic Number of Kether as Hua. The sum of the Key-Numbers of the Supernal Beard. Angel of 10 W. AVMAL Angel of Ra Hoor Khuit AYVAS Briatic Palace of Chesed HYKL AHBH Angel of Mars ZMAL {12a} The breaker, dream ChLM To pity ChML To initiate ChNK Angel of 2 S. YZLAL Angel of 1st Dec. Taurus KDMDY Bread (Ps. lxxviii. 25) = ChLM, LChM by metathesis. [K.D. L.C.K. p. 500] Angel of 2 S. MBHAL The Influence from Kether MZLA Salt MLCh The name of a Giant a'aZA Pi 79 Boaz, one of the Pillars of the Ba'aZ Temple of Solomon Die GVa'a Angel of 8 S. VMBAL Jachin, one of the Pillars of the YAChYN Temple of Solomon 3rd HB:Sh SYT Conjunction, meeting, union a'aDH 80 Union; an assembling Va'aD God of Jesod-Malkuth of YH ADNY Briah Foundation YSVD Universal, general KLL Throne. [Exod. xvii. 16] KS MM 9 to the 2nd power = Sq.Rt. 4 Rt. 81 3 to the 4 power . Moon GODS ALYM I. [Ex. xxiii. 20] ANKY Anger, wrath; also nose AP {12b} Hearer of Cries; Angel of YYLAL 6 P., and of 5 W. Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Virgo KAYN Throne KSA Here, hither PA 82 Angel of Venus ANAL A Prayer (Ch.) Ba'aY Briatic Palace of Hod HYKL GVGH Kindly, righteous, holy ChSYD Laban; white LBN The beloved thing; res grata NYChVCh Pi 83 Abbreviatura quatuor ABYa'a systematum The drops of dew. AGLY TL [Job xxxviii. 28] Benajahu, son of Jehoiada BNYYHV See 73 GYML A flowing, wave GLYM Person, self; (Ch.) wing GP Consecration; dedicated ChNKH Angel of 2 P. LKBAL To flee, put one's things in ZVa'a safety. [Jerem. vi. 1] 7 x 12; or (2 to the 2nd power +3)x 84 (2 to the 2ndpower x 3) --- hence esteemed by some A wing (army), squadron; a AGP chosen troop [I.Z.Q. 699] AHCha'a [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p.71] AChHa'a Was silent DMM {13a} A dream ChLVM Enoch ChNVK Knew YDa'a 85 Boaz (is referred to Hod) BVa'aZ A flower, cup GBYa'a Put in motion, routed HMM Circumcision MYLH The mouth; the letter HB:P PH 86 A name of GOD, asserting AHYH ADNY the identity of Kether and Malkuth Elohim. [Note masc. pl. of ALHYM fem. sing.] Hallelu-Jah HLLVYH A rustling of wings HMVLH Geomantic Intelligence of Capricorn HNAL [Vide I.R.Q. 778] YH YHVH ADM A cup; hence Pudendum KVS Muliebre A blemish, spot, stain MVM Angel of 10 C. MYHAL Plenitude MLVY 87 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 114] ALVN A cup ASVK Angel of 1st Dec. Pisces BHLMY Blasphemed GDP Standards, military ensigns DGLYM Determined ZMM {13b} White Storks ChSYDH Whiteness; frankincense; LBNH Sphere of Moon 88 Redness; sparkling ChKLL To be hot ChMM Darkness ChSK A duke of Edom MGDYAL Roaring, seething; burning NChL Pi 89 Shut up GVP Body GVP Silence DMMH Angel of 9 S. MChYAL 90 Very silent DVMM The Pillar, Jachin YKYN Water MYM Kings MLK Wicker-basket SL Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Leo PVD SUM (1 - 13). The Mystic Number of 91 Kether as Achad. The Number of Paths in the Supernal Beard; according to the number of the Letters, HB:K = 11, etc. A tree AYLN Amen. [Cf. 741] AMN The Ephod APVD The "YHVH ADNY", interlaced YAHDVNHY Angel of 4 S. KLYAL {14a} Archangel of Geburah KMAL Food, fare MAKL Angel MLAK Daughter, virgin, bride, Kore MLKA Manna MNA A hut, tent SVKH Pekht, 'extension' PAHH 92 Angel of 5 S. ANYAL Mud BTz (Deut. xxviii. 58.) YHVH ALHYK [Vide no. 572] Terror, a name of Geburah PChD 93 A duke of Edom. [Vide AHLYBMH also Ezekiel xxiii.] The sons of (the merciful) BNY AL GOD Incense LBVNH A disc, round shield MGN Possession NChLH Arduous, busy; an army TzBA 94 Corpse GVPH The valley of vision GYChZYVN To extinguish Da'aK Destruction. [Ps. l. 20] DPY A shore ChVP A window ChLVN A drop TPH Children YLDYM {14b} 95 The great Stone ABN GDLH Angel of 2 W. --- Daniel DNYAL Angel of 10 P. HHa'aYH The waters HMYM Multitude, abundance; Haman HMN Zabulon ZBLVN Angel of 2nd Dec. Leo ZCha'aY Mars MADYM Journey MHLK Queen MLKH Selah. [Ps. xxxii. 5, 6, etc.] SLH 96 A name of GOD AL ADNY Chaldee form of ALHYM ALHYN By day YVMM Praiseworthy; Angel of 7 W. LLHAL Work MLAKH The secret (counsel) of SVD YHVH the Lord. [Ps. xxv. 14] Pi 97 Breeder, rearer; Day Demon AVMN of 1st Dec. Gemini Changeless, constant; the GOD AMVN Amon The Son of Man BN ADM Archangel of Netzach HANYAL The appointed time ZMN To seize suddenly (rapere) ChTP A hand-breadth, palm. TPCh [I Kings vii. 26 --- Ex. xxv. 25] A brick, tile LBYNH {15a} A building; an architect MBNH Aquae EL Boni. MY AL HTB ["Quicksilver," K.D. L.C.K. p. 442] 98 A name of GOD HVA ALHYM Temporary dwelling. ZMNA [Ex. xxxiii. 11] Image; hid, concealed --- ChMN pertains to Sol and the Lingam-Yoni To consume, eat ChSL White TzCh 99 The pangs of childbirth ChBLY LYDH The Vault of Heaven; an ChVPH inner chamber; wedlock, nuptial Clay of Death, Infernal TYTHYVN Abode of Geburah Cognition, knowledge YDYa'aH 10 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 100 A day; the seas; the times. YMYM [Vide no. 1100] Vases, vessels KLYM The palm; the letter Kaph KP An effort, exertion. [I.R.Q. 995] MDVN Mitigation of the one MChY TBAL by the other Pi 101 Swallowed, destroyed ALa'a A storehouse ASM [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 147] AQ Angel of 4 C. MVMYH {15b} Archangel of Sun and Fire; MYKAL Angel of 7 S.; Angel of Malkuth of Briah, etc. Kingdom; a virgin princess; MLVKH esp. THE Virgin Princess, i.e. Ecclesia Gut; gut-string NYMA 102 A white goose AVVZ LBN Trust, truth, faith AMVNH Bela, a King of Edom; to Ba'aL possess; lands, government Concupiscibilis NChMD Grace, pride, fame, glory; a TzBY wild goat Pi 103 Dust ABQ To guard, protect GNN Loathed Ga'aL Food, meat (Ch.) MZVN Oblation MNChH Prophets NBAYM A calf a'aGL 104 Father of the mob, or of AB HMVN the multitude Quarrel, dispute MDYN Personal (belongings), small SGVLH private property Sodom SDM Giving up, presenting, SVLCh remitting. Trade; a fish-hook TzDY {16a} SUM (1 - 14) 105 To subvert, ruin, change HPK Desert land: Earth of Netzach TzYH 106 Attained DBQ Angel of 7 C. MLHAL Fish; the letter Nun NVN Angel of 9 C. SALYH Stibium PVK Line, string, linen thread QV Pi 107 An egg BYTzH Angel of Netzach of Briah VSYAL Angel ruling Leo a'aVAL 2 to the 2nd power x 3 to the 3rd power 108 : hence used as the number of beads of a rosary by some sects The ears AZNYM The fruit of a deep valley BABY HNChL Hell of Jesod-Malkuth GYHNM A wall ChYTz To force, do wrong to ChMS To love very much ChNN To shut up, obstruct ChSM The middle ChTzY To measure out; a decree; ChQ tall. (Masc. gender.) Cf. 113 Angel L.T.D. of Leo SGHM A Giant: "the lust of GOD" a'aZAL {WEH NOTE: See also errata on 114} Pi 109 Day-demon of 2nd Dec. Aquarius ASKVZDAY Lighting BQZ {16b} Quiet MNVChH Music NGVN Angel of Jupiter SChYAL Circle, sphere a'aGVL TzDYDA 110 Father of Faith AB HAMVNH Tectum coeli fabrilis sub GG HChVPH quo desponsationes coniugum fiunt Resemblance, likeness DMYVN Cherubic Signs --- Scorpio replaced VTHTz by Aries To embrace ChBQ At the end of the days; the YMYN right hand A sign, flag, standard NS Angel of 6 W. SYTAL Kinsman a'aM {WEH NOTE: see also errata on 114} The Number of Abra-Melin Servitors 111 of O.P.A.A. SUM (1 - (6 x 6))/6. Sun Red. [Vide Gen. xxv. 25] ADMVNY {Typo corrected from ADMVNA} A name of God AChD HVA ALHYM A thousand; Aleph ALP Ruin, destruction, sudden death ASN AUM Aa'aM Thick darkness APL Passwords of ...... YVD YHVH ADNY Mad MHVLL Angel of Sun NKYAL Common holocaust; an ascent a'aVLH A Duke of Edom a'aLVH {17a} Title of Kether. (Mirum PLA occultum) 112 Angel of 2 C. AYa'aAL A structure; mode of building BNYN Was angry BNS Sharpness ChDQ Jabok. [Gen. xxxii. 22.] YBQ Note 112 = 4 x 28 The Lord GOD YHVH ALHYM Ebal a'aYBL Pi 113 Likewise; the same. (Fem. ChQH gender.) Cf. 108 A giving away, remitting SLYChH A stream, brook PLG 114 Qliphoth of Jesod GMLYAL Tear (weeping) DMa'a Gracious, obliging, indulgent ChNVN Science MDa'a Brains MVChVN {WEH NOTE: sic, this value 110 usual spelling: MChYN --- 108 probably a typo for MVChYN} 115 Geomantic Intelligence of Virgo DMLYAL Here am I HNNY The heat of the day ChVM HYVM To make strong; vehement, ChZQ eager 116 Doves YVNYM Heaven of Chesed MKVN The munificent ones NDYBYM {17b} Primordial a'aYLAH 117 Fog, darkness AVPL Guide; Duke ALVP 118 To pass, renew, change ChLP To ferment ChMa'a Strength; Chassan, Ruler of Air ChSN The High Priest KHN GDVL 119 Lydian-stone ABN BVChN Beelzebub, the Fly-God Ba'aLZBVB
Weeping (subst.) DMa'aH Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Aries ChALP Abominable PGVL : 5 .-- = SUM (1 - 15): --- 120 HB:H being the 5th Path Master Ka'aL Foundation, basis MVSDY The time of the decree MVa'aD Strengthening MKYN Prophetic sayings, or decrees: MLYM "His days shall be"; --- hence Abra-Melin Velum MSK Prop; the letter Samekh SMK A name of GOD a'aN 11 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt 121 Vain idols ALYLYM ?Termination of Abr-amelim? AMYLM An end, extremity APM {18a} Emanated from ATzL Of whirling motions HGLGLYM Nocturnal vision ChZVH DY LYLYA Angel ruling Cancer Ka'aAL It is filled NMLA Angel L.T.N. of Cancer a'aKAL 122 Vi compressa ANVSH Revolutiones (Animarum) GLGVLYM 123 A name of GOD, AHH YHVH ALHYM implying Kether --- Chokmah --- Binah, 3,4, & 5 letters War MLChMH A blow, plague NGa'a Pleasure, delight a'aNG Laesio aliqualis, violatio PGM 124 An Oak; hardness ChVSN Pleasure, delight; Eden a'aDN Qliphoth of Chokmah a'aYGYAL 5 to the 3rd power 3 Rt. 125 Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Pisces DNMAL [Vide S.D. v. 16] KPKH Angel of 4 P. MNDAL 126 A window ALMNH Darkness APYLH Day Demon of 1st Dec. Taurus GYMYGYN A name of GOD YHVH ADNY AGLA Hospitality MLVN {18b} Horse SVS On, a name of GOD [see 120] a'aVN penalty of iniquity; "being taken away" Pi 127 Material MVTBa'a Angel of 5 P. PVYAL 2 to the 7th power 7 Rt. 128 Eliphaz ALYPZ Angel ruling Aquarius ANMVAL To deliver, loose ChLTz Robustus gratia [Vide K.D. ChSYN L.C.K. p. 399] GOD, the Eternal One YHVH ALHYNV 129 Pleasure [Gen. xviii. 12] a'aDNH Delight, pleasure a'aVNG 130 Deliverance HTzLH The Angel of redemption MLAK HGAL Decrees, prophetic sayings MLYN Eye; the letter Ayin a'aYN The Pillars a'aMVDY Destitute a'aNY A staircase, ladder SLM Angel of 5 C. PHLYH Pi 131 He was angry ANP Nose APYM Turn, roll APN Title of Kether MKVSH {19a} Angel of 6 C. NLKAL Samael; Qliphoth of Hod SMAL Angel L.T.N. of Virgo SSYA Humility a'aNVH 132 To make waste BLQ Angel of 4 W. NNAAL To receive QBL 133 [Vide I.Z.Q. 699] GYKQ Vine GPN Angel of 5 S. Cha'aMYH The salt sea YM HMLCh 134 Burning DLQ 135 Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Cancer GVSYVN Geomantic Intelligence of Aries MLKDYAL A destitute female a'aNYH The congregation. [Vide QHL no. 161] [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 673] QLH SUM (1 - 16). Jupiter 136 Spirit of Jupiter HSMAL Intelligence of Jupiter YHPYAL The Avenging Angel MLAK HGVAL Fines, penalties MMVN A voice QVL Pi 137 A wheel AVPN {19b} The belly, gullet. ASTVMKA [?Hebrew: vide K. D. L.C.K. p. 138] An image, a statue. MTzBH [Gen. xxviii. 22] A receiving; the Qabalah QBLH 138 The Son of GOD BN ALHYM To smoothe, divide ChLQ To leaven, ferment ChMTz To pollute ChNP Libanon. [Cant. iv. 11, 15] LBNVN He shall smite MChTz Forehead MTzCh Pi 139 Hiddekel, the eastern river HDQL of Eden 140 Kings; Angels of Tiphareth MLKYM of Assiah, and of Netzach of Briah 141 Robust; oaken AMYTz Gathered, collected ASP Angel of 4 P. KVQYH Precept MTzVH Trusty, steady NAMN L.A. Angel of Cancer PKYAL Prima QMA 142 Geomantic Intelligence of Taurus ASMVDAL Wickedness, destruction BLYa'aL {20a} A stranger; Balaam BLa'aM Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Leo Ba'aLM Delights (Fire & Water) MChMDYM 143 The unshoeing ChLYTzH Running waters. [Cant. iv. 15] NVZLYM 12 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 144 A sandal SNDL Anterius; the East; days first QDM of the first The numerical value of the 13 Paths 145 of the Beard of Microprosophus The Staff of GOD. MTH HALHYM [Ex. xvii. 9] Inscrutable Ma'aLH Angel of 6 P. NMMYH
A feast Sa'aVDH 146 The First Gate. [Vide BBA QMA K.D. L.C.K. p. 184] Limit, end; boundless SVP The world; an adult a'aVLM The four Names in the Lesser 147 Ritual of the Pentagram; viz: YHVH ADNY AHYH AGLA 148 A name of AHYH YH YHVH ALHYM GOD Angels of Hod in Assiah BNY ALHYM and Briah Glutton and drunkard. ZVLL VSVBA [Deut. xxi. 20] To withdraw, retire ChMQ {20b} Scales; Libra MAZNYM Victory NTzCh Flour, meal; QMCh Pi 149 The living GODS. ALYM ChYYM [Cf. 154] A beating of the breast; a HSPD noisy striking 150 Ariolus. [K.D. L.C.K. p. 53] YDa'aVNY A walking shoe Na'aL Thine eye. [Vide I.R.Q. 652] a'aYNK Nest QN Pi 151 AHYH spelt in full ALP HH YVD HH "TETRAGRAMMATON YHVH ALHYM YHVH AChD of the GODS is One TETRAGRAMMATON" Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Aries MALP The Fountain of Living MQVH Waters. [Jer. xvii. 13] A standing upright, stature QVMH Jealous QNA 152 Benjamin BNYMN The Bringing-forth One HMVTzYA Residence, station NTzYB SUM (1 - 17) 153 L.A. Angel of Libra ChDQYAL 154 Elohim of Lives. ALHYM ChYYM [Cf. 149] {21a} 155 Adonai the King ADNY MLK The faithful friend DVD NAMN The beard (correct). [S.D. DQNA ii. 1, et seq.] Letters of the Cherubic V:T:N:Tz signs Angel of 2nd Dec. Capricorn YSYSYH "The Concealed and a'aLMYH Saving"; Angel of 6 W. A seed QNH 12 x 13, the number of letters in each 156 'tablet of Enoch' The Tabernacle of the AHL MVa'aD congregation. [Lev. i. 1] A viper APa'aH BABALON, THE VICTORIOUS BABALa'aN QUEEN. [Vide XXX Aethyrs: Liber CDXVIII] Angel of Hod of Briah HSNYAL Joseph [referred to Jesod] YVSP Angel of 1st Dec. Scorpio KMVTz Na'aVL A bird a'aVP "Crying aloud"; the name of Pa'aV a King of Edom Zion TzYVN Limpid blood TzLVL Pi 157 The setting of the DMDVMY ChMH Sun Was angry, enraged; anger Za'aP {21b} Lingam ZQN {May be a typo for ZNQ} The beard. [Vide S.D. ii. 467, ZQN and no. 22] Occult MVPLA Female; Yoni NQBH Angel of 9 S. a'aNVAL A Duke of Edom QNZ 158 Arrows ChYTzYM To suffocate ChNQ Balances. [Ch.] MAZNYN 159 Surpassing Whiteness. BVTzYNA [Vide 934] Point NQDH [Vide I.R.Q. 652] 160 Angel of 3 S. HQMYH Silver KSP Fell down. Decidit NPL A rock, stone SLa'a A tree a'aTz A Duke of Edom PYKN Lay, fell. [Ez. iii. 8] PNYK Image TzLM Cain QYN 161 The heavenly man; ADM a'aYLAH lit. the 'primordial' or 'exalted' man The Congregation of the QHL YHVH Eternal QYNA {22a} Nine Paths of the Inferior Beard; 14 + 15 + ... + 22 = 162 Son of the right Hand; BNYMYN pr. n. of Benjamin Day Demon of 1st Dec. Sagittarius GLASLBVL Angel ruling Scorpio SVSVL Pi 163 [Vide no. 361, a HVA ALHYM ADNY numerical Temurah of 163] Woman, wife NVQBH 164 DTza'a Ye shall cleave ChDBQYM Outer; civil, as opposed ChYTzVN to sacred. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 342] The Pillars a'aMDYM 165 Strength. [Ez. iii. 8] ChZQYM "To make them know." LHVDYa'aM [Ps. xxv. 14] Nehema Na'aMH NEMO. [Name of M.T.] a'aMMYH Angel of 3 W. An assembly a'aTzH 166 A King of Edom Ba'aLChNV Reus mulctae. [Vide ChYYB MMVN K.D. L.C.K. p. 498] Heaven of Geburah Ma'aVN Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Scorpio NPVL Native land of Job a'aVTz The Most High a'aLYVN {22b} Pi 167 The Unnameable One ASYMVN (a demon) Fetters. [Job xxxvi. 8] ZYQYM 168 Parentes Superni ABA VAMA a'aYLAH 13 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 169 The accentuator Ta'aMYM 170 The Wand; (David's) Staff MQL Cloud a'aNN SUM (1 -18) 171 Principium emittens MATzYL Emanating from NATzL Angel L.T.N. of Aquarius PLAYN "The Face of God"; name PNYAL of an angel 172 Cut, divided BQa'a He affected. [Not written] Ya'aTzB Clusters; grapes a'aNBYM The heel, the end. [Mic. vii. a'aQB 20] Jacob Pi 173 Lighten mine eyes GL a'aYNY Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Aquarius GTzP 174 Torches LPYDYM Splendor ei per NVGH LV SBYB circuitum SUM (1 - (7 x 7))/7) Venus 175 Suction YNYQH Duplicity MKPLH A slipping, falling NPYLH {23a} Spirit of Venus QDMAL 176 An advisor, counselling YVa'aTz To eternity La'aVLM Illegitimate PSVL 177 Dominus Dominorum ADVN HADVNYM The Garden of Eden GN a'aDN To cry out for help Za'aQ Angel L.T.D. of Capricorn SGDLa'aY Plenitude of plenitudes MLVY HMLVY 178 The lower part, the loins ChLTzYM Good pleasure, choice, decision ChPTz will Quicksilver KSP ChY Pi 179 Ligatio a'aQDH 180 A spring, fountain. [Cant.; Ma'aYYN iv. 15] Pi 181 Vicious, Faulty PSVLH 182 Deus Zelotes AL QNA Outcry, clamour Za'aQH Layer of snares, supplanter; Ya'aQB Jacob King of the Gods MLAK HALHYM Passive [as opposed to MQBYL MChQBL = active] {23b} 183 184 Ancient time; eastward NQDL 185 186 A stone of stumbling; a ABN NGP rock to fall over. [Is. viii. 14] An increase MVSP Praefecti MMVNYM A place MQVM Back of the Head; an ape; QVP the letter Qoph 187 Angels of Chokmah, and of AVPNYM Chokmah of Briah Lifted up ZQP [K. of S., Fig. 52] SVPYAL 188 Jaacob. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. Ya'aQVB p. 443.] The Master of the Nose Ka'aL HChVTM 189 Fons obseratus. [Cant. GL Na'aVL iv. 11] The Ancient among SBA DSBYN the ancient SUM (1 - 19) 190 Ubi perrexit Angelus VYSa'a VYBA VYT Internal PNYMY Corona florida prominens TzYTz The side or flank; rib TzLa'a First devil. V. Porta QMTYAL Coelorum Fig. XVI The end, appointed time QTz [Dan. xii. 13.] [Vide no. 305] {24a} Pi 191 Countenance ANPYN [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 143] APSYM Night Demon of 1st Dec. Aries PAKTz A box, chest; a repository QVPH 192 Poisonous wind, Simoon ZLa'aPH Ye shall cleave in ChDBQYM BYHVH TETRAGRAMMATON. [Vide no. 220] Pi 193 194 Righteousness, equity, justice: TzDQ the Sphere of Jupiter. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 656] 195 A flock MQNH Visitation PQVDH 14 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 196 Mare Soph. [Vide K.D. YM SVP L.C.K. p. 435] The crown, summit, point QVTz Pi 197 El Supernus AL a'aLYVN [Vide K.D. ANA ChTA a'aM HZH L.C.K. p. 71] 198 Victories NTzChYM Pi 199 A giving freely; TzDQH 'Epsilon-lambda-epsilon-eta-mu-omicron-sigma-upsilon-nu-eta 200 Alae. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. KNPYM p. 483] A branch a'aNP {24b} A bone a'aTzM Archetypal QDMVN Belonging to the Spring QYTz A sling; a casting-net QLa'a Divination QSM 201 Light (Ch.) AR 202 To make empty BQQ Pure; a field; son BR Elevatio ZQYPH Apertures NQBYM L.A. Angel of Scorpio SAYTzYAL Many, much RB 203 Initials of the Trinity: ABR AB:BN:RVCh Passed away, perished; feather, ABR wing; (it. membrum et quid genitale) To lie in wait ARB A well, spring BAR Created BRA Exotic, foreign GR 204 Commencement of the name ABRA Abra-Melin Foreign resident; race S.; an DR age (Ch.) The righteous TzDYQ 205 Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Aries AGAR Splendrous ADR {25a} Mighty; hero GBR Mountain HR 206 Assembly; area ADRA Hail BRD Spake; word; cloud DBR They of the World YMY a'aVLM 207 Scorpio, a scorpion AGRAB Lord of the Universe ADVN a'aVLM Light. Cf. 9 and 11. Aur is AVR the balanced Light of open day Limitless AYN SVP Ate BRH Walled, fenced GDR That which cuts. [Vide no. 607] HBR The Elders. [Deut. xxi. 19] ZQNYM Melt, fuse ZQQ The Crown of the Ark ZR Grow great RBH 208 Feather ABRH A cistern BVR Bowed GHR To make strife, contend GRH Hagar HGR To kill HRG Abominable ZRA Jizchak. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. YTzChQ p. 266] Multitude RVB {25b} 209 Chief Seer or Prophet ABRAH (hence Abra-Melin) Reward, profit, prize AGRH To delay, tarry; behind (prep.) AChR Way ARCh 10th Spirit of Goetia. BVAR Dispersed BZR Sojourned, dwelt GVR Honour; a King of Edom; HDR The Supernal Benignity Oppressed ZRB SUM (1 - 20) 210 Adam Primus. [Vide no. ADHR 607] Day Demon of 1st Dec. Cancer BZAR Choice BChR Pass on, fly BRCh To decide, determine GZR To dwell; circle, cycle; DVR generation To conceive HRH A joining of words; ChBR incantations; to conjoin; a brother A sword ChRB Angel of 1st Dec. Capricorn MSNYN Naaman Na'aMN [Vide ΘΕΛΗΜΑ] N:a'a:Tz Punctata NQVDYM Pi 211 [Worthy] ABChR A lion ARY Strong GBVR A flash; lightning HARH {26a} A girdle ChGR A flood; Jeor YAR "Fear," the fear of the YHVH YRA (i.e. wonderment) 212 Great Voice DBVR Night Demon of 1st Dec. Capricorn HAVR Splendour; to enlighten ZHR To spread out; harlot; golden ZRH To enclose; secret chamber ChDR 213 Strong, powerful, mighty ABYR Calx GYR [I.R.Q. 234 (?)] HDDR Slaughter HRGH Loaded VZR To be strange; a stranger ZVR The Supernal ChSD a'aLAH DAL Mercy of GOD Nubes Magna a'aNN GDVL 214 A girdle AZVR Angel of 1st Dec. Aries ZZR Whiteness ChVR Came down YRD Air; Spirit; wind; Mind RVCh 215 Eminent; a Prince. ADYR [Ps. viii. I] A path, narrow way AVRCh Posterior; the reversed part AChVR A rising; to rise "as the Sun," ZRCh give light {26b} To encompass. [Vide K.D. ChZR L.C.K. p. 340] 6 to the 3rd power 3rd Rt.of 216 Night Demon of 1st Dec. Libra AVRAVB Lion ARYH The middle Gate. BBA MTzYa'aA [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 184] Courage GBVRH Oracle DBYR Blood of grapes DM a'aNBYM Dread, fear YRAH Profound. [Ps. xcii. 6] a'aVMQ Anger, wrath RVGZ Latitude RVChB 217 The air AVYR Temple, palace BYRH Food BRYH A bee DBVRH The navel TBVR Angel ruling Sagittarius MVYa'aSAL Angel L.T.N. of Scorpio SHQNB Controversia Domini RYBH 218 Ether. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. AVYRA p. 55] The Creative World BRYAH The benignity of Time ChSD a'aVLM The Moon YRCh Multitude RBVY Arcana RZYA {27a} Odour, a smell RYCh 219 Mundatio, mundities THRH The Number of Verses in Liber Legis R 220 {sic} The Elect BChYR Heroina; Augusta; Domina GBYRH Ye shall cleave ChDBQYM LYHVH unto TETRAGRAMMATON. ["not" written] Clean, elegant THVR Giants. [Fully written only NPYLYM in Num. xiii. 33] Left-handed Svastika, drawn on the 221 square of Mars given by Agrippa. Cf. 231 Long ARK Angel of 10 S. MNQAL 222 Urias AVRYH "Unto the Place." AL HMQVM [Ex. xxiii. 20] Whiteness HVVRH Goodly mountain. HR TVB [Ex. iii 25] Now, already; K'bar, "the KBR river Khebar"; Day Demon of 3rd Dec. I will chase RAVYH Pi 223 224 Male (Ch.) DKR Walk, journey; The PATH DRK Principia emanandi ChVQQY {27b} Effigurata ChQVQY Union YChVR 15 to the 2nd power 225 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 234] GZRDYA 226 Profound, hidden; the North. TzPVN [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 666] Pi 227 Long, tall ARVK A piscine, pond; [Blessing, BRKH Prov. x. 22] Remember; male (sacred ZKR Phallus --- Vide S.D. ii. p. 467) Damna. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. NZYQYN p. 569] 228 First-born BKVR Blessed! BRVK Ruler of Earth KRVB The Tree of Life a'aTz ChYYM Pi 229 230 Astonishment HKRH [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 153] MQYP Fasciata a'aQVDYM Angel of 2nd Dec. Virgo RAYDYH Hod, 42-fold Name in YGLPZQ Yetzirah. [Vide Liber 777, Col. xc. p. 18] SUM (1 - 21). Right-handed Svastika, 231 drawn on Sq. of Mars Prolonged; grew long ARYK Male DKVRA {28a} Sum of the Four Ways of spelling 232 TETRAGRAMMATON in the Four Worlds Geomantic Intelligence AMNYTzYAL of Pisces Ruler of Fire ARAL Equivalent to YHY AVR, YH AVYR Fiat Lux. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 55] Let there be Light! The YHY AVR Mystic Name of Allan Bennett, a Brother of the Cross and Rose, who began this Dictionary. Pi 233 Memento ZKVR The Tree of Life. [Vide a'aTz HChYYM no. 228] 234 Night Demon of 3rd DKAVRAB Dec. Aquarius 235 Archangel of Chesed, and TzDQYAL Angel of Chesed of Briah 236 Angel of L.T.N. of Aries SPa'aTAVY A handful QVMTz 237 Angel of 3 C. RAHAL 238 Dominus Mirabilium ADVN HNPLAVH Rachel RChL Pi 239 Azrael, the Angel of Death AZRAL Iron BRZL The lot GVRL {28b} Angel of 3rd Dec. Taurus YKSGNVTz 240 Myrrh MR Plagae Filiorum NGa'aY BNY ADM Hominum. [I.e. Succubae, K.D. L.C.K. p. 562] Prima Germina NTzNYM Angel of 1st Dec. Aquarius SSPM Cash; counted out, paid PQVDYM down High, lofty RM Pi 241 L.A. Angel of Capricorn SMQYAL 242 Ariel, Angel of Air ARYAL Recollection ZKYRH 243 Abram. [Vide 248] ABRM Created (he them). BRAM [Gen. v. 2.] Learned, complete. to finish, GMR bring to pass (Ch.) A bone; to destroy GRM 244 Angel of 7 P. HRChAL To be insensible; in deep RDM sleep, in trance. [Vide no. 649] 245 Adam Qadmon ADM QDMVN Gall, bile MRH Spirit of God RVCh AL 246 Angel of 3 S. HRYAL Myrrh MVR {29a} Vision, aspect MRAH MRGG Angel L.T.D. of Taurus HRYAL Myrrh RVM 247 Angel L.T.D. of Capricorn ALVYR To overwhelm (Ps. lxxvii. 18); ZRM a flood A light MAVR Night Demon of 1st Dec. Taurus RAVM Sensus symbolicus RMZ 248 Abraham. [Vide 243 and ABRHM 505, 510. Discussed at length in Zohar] The Three that bear witness, ADM+BRA above and beneath, respectively. HB:ADM the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood; HB:A being Air (Spiritus), HB:D standing for HB:DM Blood, and HB:M being both Water and the initial of HB:MYM, water. For HB:BRA see 203 Uriel or Auriel, archangel of AVRYAL Earth, and angel of Netzach; = "The light of God" In vision. [Vide K.D. BMRAH L.C.K. p. 553] Gematria GMRH Wine; bitumen; an ass (from HMR "to disturb") Mercy; womb RChM A lance RMCh {29a} 249 L.A. Angel of Taurus ARZYAL Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Libra GMVR Fear, terror MGVR 250 The living GOD of ALChY Ha'aVLMYM the Worlds; or, of the Ages [The South.] Midday DRVM Habit, action (Ch.) MDVR Pi 251 Fir, cedar ARN The angel Uriel: "Vrihl," VRYHL i.e. Magical Force. [Vide Lytton's "Coming Race," and Abra-Melin --- forehead Lamen] Angel of 10. W. RYYAL 252 Serpent's den MAVRH SUM (1 - 22) 253 Proselytes GRYM Matred; who symbolizes the MTRD Elaborations on the side of Severity 254 Angel of 3rd Dec. Aquarius GRVDYAL Geomantic Intelligence of Libra ZVRYAL An ass ChMVR A mark, aim MTRH A solemn promise, vow NDR Spikenard. [Cant. iv. 14] NRD A spear RVMCh {30a} Merciful RChVM 255 Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Sagittarius ANDR Burdensome; with difficulty ChVMRA The East MZRCh A river, stream. [Gen. ii. 10] NHR Cantatio elata RNH 16 to the 2nd power = Sq.Rt 4th Rt 8th Rt. 256 4 to the 4th power = 2 to the 8th power = 256 Aaron AHRN Tidings (Ps. lxviii. 12); a AMYRH saying, speech. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 128] The Sons of the Righteous BNY TzDQ [See no. 705] [Vide K.D. MPVLMYN L.C.K. p. 20] The Spirit of the Mother RVCh AMA Aromatarius RVKL Pi 257 The Ark ARVN A Magician ChRTM "To His fearers." LYRAYV [Ps. xxv. 14] The White Wand MQL LBNH Terribilis Ipsa NVRA 258 The red light AVR ADVM Hiram (King of Tyre) ChYRM Mercy RChMY 259 Throat GRVN Nitre NTR Reuben RAVBN {30b} SUM (1 - (8 x 8))/8. Mercury 260 Intelligence of Mercury TYRYAL The Concealed TMYRA I.N.R. [Vide 270] Y:N:R: Exaltabitur YRYM A vineyard KRM Ineptos et profanos LPSYLYM [Ps. viii. 1] MH ADYR Declined SR To gather, draw together TzMTzM 261 He bound; an obligation, a ASR prohibition Abhorrence, abomination. DRAVN [Is. lxvi. 24] 262 Lofty; Aaron AHRVN Severities GBVRAN Terrible HNVRA Conclavia ChDRYM Eye to eye. [I.R.Q. 645] a'aYN Ba'aYN Pi 263 Angel of 2nd Dec. Aquarius ABDRVN Angel of 2nd Dec. Pisces AVRVN Geomantic Intelligence of Scorpio BRKYAL Gematria GMTRYA Pained GRS 264 Emanantia. [Vide K.D. ChQVQYM L.C.K. p. 338] Jarden. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. YRDN p. 455] {31a} Footprints (foot's breadth). MDRK [Deut. ii. 5] A straight row. [Vide K.D. SDR L.C.K. p. 455] Channels, pipes RHTYM ::6 :.-- 265 Architect ADRYKL Broke down HRS A cry of the heart; anguish, Tza'aQH anxiety 266 Chebron ChBRVN Termination of Qliphoth of YRVN 12 Signs Contraction TzMTzVM 267 Illicit, forbidden ASVR Geomantic Intelligence of Leo VRKYAL Currus; Vehiculum; MRKBH Thronus Nasiraeus NZYR 268 Stones of the sling ABNY HQLa'a Pi 269 By-ways ARChYN Father --- Spirit --- Son BN RVCh AB ((WEH NOTE: These three words are backwards of the noted order.)) Angel of Binah of Briah KRVBYAL 270 I.N.R.I. Initials of: Jesus Y:N:R:Y: Nazaraeus Rex Judaeorum; Igni Natura Renovata Integra; Intra Nobis Regnum deI; Isis Naturae Regina {31b} Ineffabilis; and many other sentences. Vide Crowley Coll. Works Vol. I. Appendix Pi 271 Earth (Ch.); whence = low, ARa'a mean Angel of 2nd Dec. Sagittarius VHRYN [Vide no. 256, AMYRH] LAMR 272 Earth ARa'aA To consume, injure; brutish Ba'aR Percussione magna MKH RBH The evening: an 'Arab,' i.e. a'aRB a person living in the West Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Sagittarius RYNVV 273 The stone which ABN MASV HBVNYM the builders rejected [Ps. cxviii. 22] The Hidden Light AVR GNVZ Four ARBa'a Rebuked Ga'aR Took away GRa'a 274 Paths DRKYM 275 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 72] AChVRYYM Domicilium pulchrum. DYRH NAH [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 395] Fluvius Indicii. [Vide YAR DYN K.D. L.C.K. p. 117] Qy. Struti "scripture" SRTV {32a} SUM (1 - 23) 276 Angel L.T.N. of Libra. AChVBRAYN {WEH NOTE: Wrong value, 278} [Vide Liber 777, p. 29] A Cithara KNVR Night Demon of 1st Dec. Leo KRVKL The Moon SYHRA Pi 277 To sow, propagate; seed, ZRa'a semen [For multiplying.] ["Not" LMRBH written. Vide K.D. L.C.K. pp. 157 and 837] Angel of 3rd Dec. Leo SHYBR Gratia, benevolentia Ra'aVA 278 {see error on 276} Angels of Jesod, and of KRVBYM Binah of Briah --- Cherubim Passing over a'aVBR The Material World a'aVLM HMVTBa'a 279 Leprosy. [Vide K.D. SGYRV L.C.K. p. 495] [7 x 40, the Squares of the walls of 280 the Vault. See Equinox I. 3. p. 222] Qliphoth of Capricorn DGDGYRVN A record (Ch.) DKRVN Angel of the Wood of the Ya'aR World of Assiah The Letters of K:M:N:P:Tz: Judgment: the 5 letters having a final form Archangel of Malkuth SNDLPVN Citizenship a'aYR {32b} [Vide S.D. 528] PR Terror RP Pi 281 A crown --- Ashes APR Attire; adorned PAR 282 Angels of Briah, and of ARALYM Malkuth of Briah Spirit of Lives RVCh ChYYM Pi 283 Aurum inclusum ZHB SGVR Memoriale. [Vide no. 964] ZKRVN That goes on foot RGLYM 284 Geomantic Intelligence AMBRYAL of Gemini The small area of an a'aRVGH enclosed garden 285 286 High, lofty MRVM 287 Pars Azymorum APYQVMN Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Taurus VPAR Little Za'aYR Geomantic Intelligence of Cancer MVRYAL 288 Vindication BYa'aVR Day Demon of 1st Dec. Virgo ZAPR Breeding, bearing; offspring. a'aYBVR [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 313] [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 571] RPCh {33a} 17 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 289 Apertio. [Vide no. 537] PTR Particulare PRT 290 Thine enemy a'aRK ((WEH NOTE: Had Koph medial)) 291 Torrentes Aquarum APYQY MYM (He) treasured ATzR Earth: in particular, the Earth ARTz of Malkuth Qy. spotted? NMRA Adhaesio; adhaerens; SYRKA princeps L.A. Angel of Aquarius TzKMQYAL 292 A young bird. [Deut. xxii. 6] APRVH Gold BTzR A medicine, drug RPVAH Pi 293 Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Taurus TzARB 294 Purple ARGMN Pertaining to Autumn ChVRP Melchizedec. [Gen. MLKYTzDQ xiv. 18] 295 Curtain, canopy; vault. YRYa'aH [Ps. civ. 2] Eyelids KNPY Ha'aYN [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 498] PTVR 296 Of the Earth. [Vide no. 992] HARTz Incurvens se KVRa'a {33b} Rigorose procedere; fumarie; TzVR rock. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. pp. 459, 663] 297 Thesaurus; gazophylacium; AVTzR conservatorium A name of GOD ALHYM GBVR attributed to Geburah A secured house; a fortified ARMVN castle A City of Edom BTzRH The Throne; a Name of KVRSYA Briah Nuriel NVRYAL The neck TzVAR 298 Amen, our Light AMN AVR Son of the GODS BR ALHYN White TzChR Pathetic appeals; RChMYM commiserations 299 Angel of 2nd Dec. Cancer RHDTz SUM (1 - 24) 300 Khabs am Pekht AVR BPAHH Vide Beth ALP LMD HY YVD MM Elohim. Dissert. II. Cap. I. A spelling of ALHYM in full. Formation YTzR Profundities Ma'aMQYM God of Chesed, and of Hod MTzPTz <<:WEH NOTE: ends in Tzaddi med.>> of Briah; "Temura" of YHVH Incircumcisus a'aRL {34a} Separation PYRVD The Spirit of GOD. RVCh ALHYM [Vide Gen. i. 3] 301 "My Lord, the ADNY HMLK NAMN faithful King"; a name of GOD Fire ASh A candlestick MNVRH 302 Earth of Hod ARQA To cut open, inquire into; BQR Dawn L.A. Angel of Gemini SRAYAL Hath protected QBR To putrefy RQB 303 Did evil; putrefaction BASh 304 A species of gold ChRVTz Green DSh Geomantic Intelligence KAMBRYAL of Aquarius White QDR 305 Dazzling white light AVR TzCh Tender herb. [Gen. i. 11] DShA Netzach, 42-fold Name in HQMMNa'a Yetzirah. [Vide Liber 777, col. xc.] Yetzirah; "formation" YTzRH A curving, bending KRYa'aH {34b} The end of days, appointed QTz HYMYN time. [Dan. xii. 13] A lamb ShH HSh 306 Father of Mercy AB HRChMYM Merciful Father AB HRChMN A woman, wife; virago AShH Honey DBSh Domina. [Vide K.D. MTRVNA L.C.K. p. 528] [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 571] NYTzVTzYN Coldness; pertaining to Winter QVR Angel of 6 S. RHa'aAL Malo-Granatum RYMVN Pi 307 Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Scorpio VRYATz Ribkah RBQH 308 Daybreak BVQR Sparsor ZRQA Investigation ChQR A harsh, grating sound ChRQ Approaching, near QRVB Ice QRCh 309 A leper. [Vide K.D. MVSGR L.C.K. p. 495] Angel of 2nd Dec. Taurus MNChRAY Strepitus cordis, mussitatio, ShAGH susurratio, rugitus Field, soil, land ShDH {35a} 310 To trample on, conquer DVSh To govern, bind ChBSh Formed. [I.R.G. 227] YYTzR The initials of Idra Rabba Y:R:Q: Qadisha. [Each letter is half of each Letter of KThR, Kether] {Typo had KChR} Is, are; essence, being YSh Leo iuvenis KPYR Habitations MDVRYN Pi 311 Man; but vide K.D. L.C.K. AYSh p. 83 Angel of 9 C. a'aRYAL Archangel of Binah TzPQYAL Archangel of Air; Angel of RPAL Mercury, and of Chokmah of Briah, etc. Rod. [Ps. xxiii. 4] ShBT 26 x 12, the Twelve Banners 312 Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Libra VShV To renew; hence = a new ChDSh moon, a month West. [Cf. 272] Ma'aRB Pi 313 Angel of 1st Dec. Virgo ANNAVRH 314 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 275] HLL GMVR Metatron, Archangel of MTTRVN Kether, and Angel of Tiphareth of Briah. [When spelt with HB:Y after HB:M it denotes Shekinah] {35b} Out of the way, remote RChVQ Shaddai: "The Almighty"; ShDY a name of GOD 315 Ice; crystal GBYSh Gullet VShT Formation YTzYRH Visio Splendoris MRAH HNVGH Gomorrah a'aMRH The Number of Servitors of 316 Abra-Melin Sub-Princes Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Aries VShAGV Ligatus ChBVSh Green YRVQ JESU YShV A bundle, handful a'aVMR Visitans iniquitatem PVQD a'aVN Aporrhea QVTRA [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 54] ShAYH To worship, bow down ShChCh Pi 317 Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Taurus VALPR [Vide Ps. xcvii. 11] ZRa'aM Arida YBShH Iron (Ch.) PRZL Hoariness ShYBH 318 Labrum lavacri, et basio KYVR VKNV eius A copse, bush ShYCh {36a} 319 320 "Boy," Name of Enoch, and Na'aR of Metatron A Duke of Edom. [Vide a'aYRM Liber 777, p. 22] The friends Ra'aYM L.A. Angel of Sagittarius SRYTYAL 321 Angel of 3rd Dec. Cancer ALYNKYR Angel L.T.D. of Virgo LSLRA Angel of 9 W. ShAHYH Qliphoth of Taurus ADYMYRVN 322 Lamb KBSh Angel L.T.N. of Sagittarius LBRMYM Linea media QV HAMTza'aY 323 Long-absent brother ACh RChVQ Qliphoth of Aquarius BHYMYRVN {WEH NOTE: typo was BHYSYRVN} Angel of 3rd Dec. Aries STNDR 18 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 324 See no. 314; it denotes MYTTRVN Shekinah SUM (1 - 25). Mars 325 Spirit of Mars BRTzBAL Intelligence of Mars GRAPYAL Angel of 2nd Dec. Scorpio NYNDVHR Need, indigence TzRYKH 326 Jesus. [Note the letters of YHShVH TETRAGRAMMATON completed by HB:Sh 300 q.v. the Spirit of GOD] {36b} Vision ShAYYH 327 Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Virgo BVTYSh [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 461] YShYBH Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Capricorn KYTzAVR 4 Princes + 8 Sub-Princes + 316 328 servient to Spirits Angel of 3 W. HChShYH To steam; darkness. [Vide ChShK K.D. L.C.K. p. 280] 329 Angel of 1st Dec. Libra TRSNY 330 Boundary, terminus; crosspath MTzR Revolution; hurricane, tempest Sa'aR Error: fault ShL Pi 331 Ephraim APRYM Arbor magna. [Gen. xxi. 33] AShL Archangel of Chokmah RTzYAL 332 Lux Ardoris AVR HYQVD Night Demon of 3rd ANDRVMAL Dec. Pisces A Duke of Edom. [Vide MBTzR Liber 777, p. 22] Locus vacuus. [Vide MQVM PNVY K.D. L.C.K. p. 551] 333 Qabalah of the Nine AYQ BKR Chambers Choronzon. [Vide Dr. Dee, ChVRVNZVN & Lib. 418, 10th Aire] Snow ShLG {37a} 334 A still, small Voice. QVL DMMH DQH [I Kings, xix. 12] 335 Dies Mali YMY Ra'aH The KING MLK MLKY HMLKYM above the King of Kings. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 537] Ordering, desposition Ma'aRKH 336 An attack; a request, petition ShALH Night Demon of 1st Dec. Gemini ShBKYD Pi 337 Ruler of Earth PVRLAK Hell of Supernals; a City of ShAVL Edom; the Place of Askings. [Vide Liber 777, p. 23] 338 To cast down ChLSh He hath pardoned (or, YKBVSh subjected) A garment; clothing LBVSh To send forth ShLCh 339 340 Angel of 3rd Dec. Sagittarius YSGDYBRVDYAL "Ferocious" lion LYSh Uncus focarius --- fire- MGRVPYA shovel Book SPR Pares; a word written on the PRS wall at Belshazzar's feast. [Vide Dan. v. 28] There; The Name ShM {37b} The sum of the 3 Mother Letters; 341 HB:A, HB:M, and HB:Sh Yesterday AMSh Guilty, damned AShM A red cow PRH ADVMH Expansum; sepimentum; PRSA diaphragma The Name (Ch.) ShMA 342 Coctio BYShL Perfume BShM Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Taurus PVKLVR A blaze, flame ShLHBH 7 to the 3rd power 3 Rt. 343 "And GOD said." VYAMR ALHYM [Gen. i. 3] A sweet smell ZPRVN 344 A plantation, garden PRDS [Cant. iv. 13] 345 Di Alieni ALHYM AChRYM GOD Almighty AL ShDY "In that also" --- referred to BShGM Daath "The" NAME HShM Lioness. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. LYShH p. 501] 5th HB:Sh MHSh Moses. [See 543, numerical MShH Temurah of 345] Dominator ShVLT Shiloh ShYLH {38a} He was appeased. [Esther, ShKKH vii. 10] 346 A spring; spring water MQVR A water-pipe; channel TzNVR Good pleasure; the Will-power RTzVN Pi 347 Palanquin (Cant. iii. 9); APRYVN Bridal bed; nuptial chariot. ["thalamus seu coelum fabrile sub quo copulantur nubentes"] 348 Five; to set in array ChMSh Third King of Edom ChShM Pi 349 350 Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Leo ALYGVSh A sapphire (Ex. xxviii. 18). SPYR [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 19] Ophir; a young mule; dust a'aPR of the Earth The Horn; head QRN Vacuum RYQM Intellectus ShKL SUM (1 -26) 351 Man ANSh Angels of Malkuth; burnt or AShYM incense offering; "The flames" Hiram-Abif, a cunning ChYRM ABYP artificer at the Temple of Solomon; the hero {38b} of a famous allegory prophetical of FRATER PERDURABO Saturn in Leo. Angel ruling 1st LVSNHR Dec. Leo, that was rising at the birth of FRATER PERDURABO Moses the Initiator MVShH Elevatus NShA 352 The Exalted Light AVR Ma'aLH Long of Nose; i.e. ARK APYM Merciful; a title of the supreme GOD Lightning BRQYM An approach QRBN Pi 353 Goshen GShN The fifth ChMShH The Secret of SVD YHVH LYRAYV TETRAGRAMMATON is to His fearers. [Ps. xxv. 14] Delight, joy ShMChH 354 Grew fat; anointed DShN Heptaeteris intermissoria ShMTH 355 Thought; idea MChShBH Year ShNH 356 The Cedars of Lebanon ARZY LBNVN Expiationes. [Vide K.D. KPVRYM L.C.K. p. 612] {39a} A young mule a'aVPR Ophra, mother of Goliath a'aVRP Spirits of the living RVChYN DChYYN 357 42-fold Name, Geburah in KGD YKSh Yetzirah Iniquity NVShA 358 Shame GShNH Shiloh shall come YBA ShYLH "Messiach," the Messiah MShYCh Nechesh, the Serpent that NChSh initiated Eve (Taking the three HB:H's in AShYAVM AHYHVH as concealing the Mothers, we get GR:Iota. GR:Alpha. GR:Omega. &) Pi 359 Angel of 3rd Dec. Pisces STRYP The Sacred Wind ShTYM Satan. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. ShTN p. 235] 360 The Messiah HMShYH [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 235] HNShH [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 235] HShNH Angels of Jesod of Binah YShYM Seeking safety; Angel of MHShYH 7 W. Tonitrus Ra'aMYM "Shin"; a tooth ShYN Two ShNY {39b} * 3 * * 19 to the 2nd power * * Sq.Rt. 361 6 * * * 1 * * God of Malkuth ADNY HARTz "Men"; "impurities" ANShY Foundations. [Ch.] AShYN The Mountain Zion HR TzYVN Ruler of Saturn KShYAL Angel of 7 P. MTzRAL 362 363 The Almighty and ShDY AL ChY Ever-living GOD 364 Lux Occulta AVR MVPLA {WEH NOTE: was typo: AVD} Satan HShTN Demons ShDYN Opposition; resistance ShTNH 365 Earth of Tiphareth NShYH An uncovering, exposing PRYa'aH 366 Night Demon of 2nd ANDRALP Dec. Capricorn Pi 367 Black [scil. of eye-pupil]: AYShVN middle: homunculus Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Gemini PAYKVRN 368 The Spirit of the RVCh ALHYM ChYYM GODS of the Living SUM (1 - (9 x 9))/9. Moon 369 Spirit of Moon. [Vide ChShMVDAY Liber 777, p. 19] {40a} The World of Briah a'aVLM HBRYAH Angel of 2nd Dec. Gemini ShHDNY 370 A foundation, basis a'aQR Creation a'aSh Salices rivi. [Lev. a'aRBY NChL xxiii. 40] Zopher TzPR White lead, tin QSTRA To rend, cut, blame, curse QRa'a Green. [Vide S.D. p. 104] Ra'aNN Salem ShLM 371 Sinistrum ShMAL 372 Aqua spherica ASPYRKA Agni KBShYM An oven, furnace KBShN Scorpio a'aQRB Herbage, grass a'aShB Seven ShBa'a Pi 373 374 375 Generally and specially KLL VPRT Solomon ShLMH A City of Edom ShMLH 376 Dominator MVShL {40b} Esau, father of the men a'aShV of Edom. (Ad-om, Adlantes((Refers to a theory that the 'Kings of Edom' who perished before the creation of Adam were a previous race inhabiting 'Atlantis.'))) A bird TzPVR Peace. [Refers to Kether] ShLVM 377 Nervus Luxatus; Vena GYD HNShH Ischiatica. [Gen. xxxii. 32] Seven ShBa'aH SUM (1 - 27) 378 'In peace' BShLVM Pruna ignita; Chaschmal ChShML Iuramentum. [K.D. L.C.K. ShBVa'a p. 695] Pi 379 Abschalom ABShLVM [The sum of the letters of TETRAGRAMMATON 380 multiplied severally by those of Adonai; (HB:Y x HB:H) + (HB:N x HB:V) + (HB:D x HB:H) + (HB:A x HB:Y)] = Y:K:Sh:N Difficulty, narrowness YHBMTzRYM Pain, trouble, misery a'aTzB a'aTzBVN Thick darkness, fog a'aRPL Vide no. 370] QSTYRA Heaven of Hod RQYa'a 381 Clamour, prayer ShVa'aH 382 Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Libra TzARATz {41a} Pi 383 Iuramentum. [Vide K.D. ShBVa'aH L.C.K. pp. 67, 695] 384 385 Angel of 2nd Dec. Libra MHRNTz Assiah, the World of Matter a'aShYH Gloria cohabitans [vide K.D. ShKYNH L.C.K. p. 711]; the Glory of God Lip ShPH 386 Jesus YShVa'a Tongues LShVN Tziruph, a table of Temurah TzYRVP 387 388 The hardest rock. ChLMYSh [Ps. cxiv. 8] To search out diligently ChPSh Table; bread ShLChN Pi 389 390 Gen. v. 2. ZKR VNQBH Retrorsum MPRa'a Alens, pascens PRNS Heaven ShMYM Oil ShMN Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Gemini ShTz {41b} 391 Salvation, help YShVa'aH The Inscrutable Height. RVM Ma'aLH [Kether] 392 Aromata BShMYM Habitaculum MShBN 393 394 Table. [Vide no. 388] ShVLChN 395 Robustus (virilitas) Iacob ABYR Ya'aQB The Heavens HShMYM Oil HShMN Manasseh MNShH Second MShNH {WEH NOTE: typo was MShBH} Judge ShVPT 396 Day Demon of 1st Dec. Scorpio YPVSh Pi 397 Lux Interna. (Title of AVR PNYMY Kether) 398 Fifty ChMShYM Book ChPShY Angel L.T.D. of Aries STRa'aTN Pride; esp. of gait ShChTz 399 ShGVPY 20 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 400 To use Magic, witchcraft KShP Erudiens, a title of Yesod MShKYL {42a} Sensus literalis. [Vide K.D. PShVTH L.C.K. p. 12] (He had) Karnaim (in his QRNYM hand) Angels of Chesed of Briah ShYKKYM Sack ShQ Pi 401 Cursing ARR Essence; "the" ATh 402 Sought into, or after BQSh Tested, purified BRR Filia BTh A spider a'aKBYSh Paths ShBYLYN 403 The Stone; Sapphire ABN SPYR 404 Law, edict DTh Almond; to watch, be awake; ShQD to hasten 405 Fearful things, serpents of ZChLY a'aPR the dust. [Job] [Cf. no. 227, HB:ZKR.] Phallus; ShPKH urethra. [Vide Deut. xxiii. 2] SUM (1 - 28) 406 THOU: a name of GOD AThH Vulgar, common; plebeian a'aM HARTz Leg ShVQ Alterations ShNVYM The letter Tau ThV {42b} 407 Signum AVTh The Precious Oil ShMN TVB 408 Lapis sapphirinus ABN HSPYR Haec ZATh [Vide Deut. x. 10, 15] ChShQ Pi 409 Patriarchs ABHThA Fathers ABVTh One (fem.) AChTh Ha-Qadesh; Holy Ones HQDSh 410 Liberty; a swallow DRVR Visions, imaginations. [Dan. HRHR iv. 2] Metzareph MTzRP The Tabernacle MShKN Sacred; Saint QDVSh Holy QVDSh He heareth ShMa'a Hod, 42-fold Name in Yetzirah ShQY 411 Elisha ALYSha'a Briatic Palace of HYKL RTzVN Tiphareth Fundamenta Terrae MVSDY ARTz Habitaculum MShKNA Ordo temporum SDR ZMNYM Desolation, emptiness. ThHV (Expresses first root of all good) 412 The letter Beth BYTh {43a} New. (Ch.) ChDTh Jesus GOD YHShVH ALHYM White whorl TzMR LBN Celsitudo superna RVM a'aLYVN A longing for ThAVH 413 414 Azoth, "the" fluid. A + Z (Lat.) AZVTh + Omega (Grk.) + Th (Heb.). Initial and final in 3 tongues The Limitless Light AYN SVP AVR Meditation. [Ps. xlv. 4] HGVTh Going forth. [Vide no. 770] MShVTTYM 415 The Voice of the Chief ABRAH DBR Seer Sister AChVTh The Holy One; Sodomite HQDVSh Work Ma'aShH Angel of 10 C. a'aShLYH 416 Thought, meditation HRHVR A pledge MShKVN 417 Olive ZYTh Arca. (Noah's Ark) ThYBH (Note 4 + 1 + 8 = 13) 418 Boleskine BVLShKYN Peccatum. (Est femina ChTATh Lilith impia) Kheth, a fence ChYTh Servans misericordiam NVTzR ChSD "The Word of the MAKAShANH Aeon." [Vide Liber 418] {43b} HB:A B R A H A D A B R A 418 = ChYTh = BYTh HA, the House of He: because of I.Z.Q. 694; for HB:H formeth HB:K, but HB:Ch formeth YVD: each = 20. Thus is Abrahadabra a Key of the Pentagram. Also, by Aiq Bkr, it = 22: and 418 = 19 x 22. 19 = Manifestation; it therefore manifests the 22 Keys of R.O.T.A. The first meaning is ABRAH DBR, = The Voice of the Chief Seer. It resolves into Pentagram and Hexagram as follows: 1st "method." A R/ \B A A Pentagram A forms 12 and 406, ChVA D H B\ /R A and AThH [406 = ThV], where AThH = Microprosopus, and HVA = Macro- prosopus. The Arcanum is therefore that of the Great Work 2nd "method." B A R H A Pentagram A Hexagram Here BHR = 207 A A B D R = AYN SVP AVR, etc. and DBR = Voice ("The Vision and the Voice"); thus showing, by Yetziratic attribution, the Three Wands --- Caduceus: Phoenix: Lotus. Note always ABR are the three Supernals. 3rd "method." A A B A A Pentagram A Hexagram give 205 + 213; R B H D R both mean "Mighty," whence Abra- hadabra is "The Word of Double {44a} Power." AAB show AB: AIMA: BN, viz., Amoun : Thoth : Mout. By Yetziratic Method, H:D:R: are Isis : Horus : Osiris. (Also, for H:D:R:, vide I.R.Q. 992.) Dividing as 3 and 8, we get GR:Delta of Horus dominating the Stooping Dragon, ARR YAV: also --- A from R/_\B we get A---B A---H | | | | A---D R---A 8 = DD, Love, and 207 = AVR, Light; 8 x 207 = 18, which is equivalent to ChY, living; further, 297 = 23 x 9 = ChYH, Life: hence, Licht : Liebe : Leben. Again, 418 = ATh + YAV, = 21 + 397, q.v. DBR and 678 = 6 + 7 + 8 = 21. 2 x HB:B + 2 x HB:R + HB:D = 32. The Five different letters represent Amoun : Thoth : Isis : Horus : Osiris. they (A + B + R + H + D) add to 212 (q.v.). Finally, HB:A is the Crown, HB:B the Wand, HB:D the Cup, HB:H the Sword, HB:R the R.C. See Equinox, V and VII, for further details. Pi 419 Serpent: the letter Teth TVTh Sodom and Gomorrah SDM + a'aMRH 420 It was HYThH Dolium, vas ChBYTh Vapour, smoke a'aShN Pacifica ShLMYM RTzPYM Pi 421 Angel ruling Capricorn KShVYa'aYH Angel ruling Pisces PShYAL {44b} 422 The Vast Countenance ARYK ANPYN Linea Flava (quae circumdat QV YRVQ Mundum) 423 [Ex. xxvii. 10, 11.] LVVY Ha'aMVRYM [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 420] 424 Angel L.T.N. of Taurus TVTTh 425 [Vide no. 1175] HGZYTh [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 208 Na'aShH Auditus ShMYa'aH 426 Servator; salvator MVShYa'a Medium ThVK 427 428 The Breakers-in-pieces; Ga'aShKLH the Qliphoth of Chesed The Brilliant Ones; Angels ChShMLYM of Chesed, and of Tiphareth of Briah Iuraverunt NShBa'aV 429 A lion's whelp. ZVR ARYH [Gen. xl. 9] Judgment, equity MShPT ShGa'aVN 430 Nephesch, the animal soul of NPSh Man Covered with mist; darkness, NShP twilight {45a} Membra PRQYM Full Title of Ninth TzDYQ YSVD a'aVLM Sephirah. "The Righteous is the Foundation of the world" Concealed ShPN Tohu v-Bohu; see Gen. 1. ThHV VBHV Dew ThL Pi 431 Notariqon NVTRYQVN 432 Eventide shadows TzLLY a'aRB Earth of Jesod ThBL Pi 433 Day Demon of 1st Dec. Leo BLATh Merit ZKVTh 434 The Lord of War. AYSh MLChMH [Ex. xv. 3] The letter Daleth; door DLTh SUM (1 - 29) 435 Deceived HThL [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 156] MShPTV 436 Tutor, curator; prafectus; APTRVPS administrator Angel L.T.D. of Scorpio BYThChVY Hoschanah HVSha'aNH "GR:Sigma-alpha-tau-alpha-nu-alpha-sigma." ShTN a'aZ {WEH Note: Greek value is 753} [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 505] [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 505 Sha'aTNZ 723 & 701, nos. 9, 10; also at ShBYRH] {45b} 437 Balm; the balsam tree APRSMVN 438 The whole (perfect) ABN ShLYMH stone. [Deut. xxvii. 6] Pi 439 Exilium GLVTh Angel L.T.N. of Gemini a'aVGRMa'aN 440 Collaudatio. [Vide K.D. ThHLH L.C.K. pp. 90, 729] The Great Dragon; means ThLY "curls." [I.R.Q. 834; vide 510] Irreproachable; perfect ThM 21 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 441 Cerva AYLTh Truth; Temurah of ADM, by AMTh Aiq Bekar A live coal GChLTh Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Leo LRYAR Angel L.T.D. of Pisces RMRA 442 Termini Terrae APSY ARTz Pi 443 A virgin; a city. Virgo BThVLH Goliath GLYTh 444 The Sanctuary MQDSh Damascus DMShQ The total value of the Single Letters; 445 HB:H,HB:V,HB:Z,HB:Ch,HB:T,HB:Y,HB:L,HB:N,HB:S,HB:a'a,HB:Tz, and HB:Q Number of Stars in the Northern 446 hemisphere Destruction; death MVTh {46a} Pison PYShVN Tali pedum QRSVLYM 447 Initials of the Three DMR RBA Above and the Three Beneath. [Vide 248] 448 Excelsa BMVTh Pi 449 Lux fulgentissima AVR MTzVChTzCh Cloak TLYTh 450 Tabulae LVChVTh [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 508] MDVTh The Fruit of the Tree PRY a'aTz Transgression PSha'a Beneplacitum RTzVN BAYN GBVL termino carens; Arbitrum illimitatum Inhabitans Aeternitatem ShVKN a'aD Craftiness, cunning Sha'aLYM The Dragon ThN 451 The Essence of Man ATh HADM Mortis MYThA Angels of Tiphareth ShNANYM The Abyss ThHVM 452 [Vide no. 552] ChMDTh The crop; the Maw QRQBN 453 Behemoth BHMVTh {46b} The Animal Soul, in its NPSh ChYH fullness; i.e. including the Creative Entity or Ego, Chiah 454 Sigillum ChVThM The "Holy Ones"; Consecrated QDShYM catamites kept by the Priesthood 455 456 Formido maxima AYMThH The Mountain of Myrrh. HR HMVR [Cant. iv. 6] Paries KVThL Crura ShVQYM The Fig-tree and fruit ThANH Pi 457 Olives ZThYM 458 A covenant; an engagement; ChThN a betrothed Contusores; cloudy heavens; ShChQYM Heaven of Netzach 459 460 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 371] TNThA Qliphoth of Gemini TzLLD MYRVN "Holy unto TETRAGRAMMATON." QDSh LYHVH [Ex. xxxix. 30] Pi 461 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 539] ADNVTh Robustus, validus, asper, AYThN horridus, rigidus {47a} 462 Terra Superna (est ARTz a'aLYVNH Binah) A path NYThB Profundum Celsitudinis a'aVMQ RVM Pi 463 Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Virgo BAThYN Pillar of Mildness --- paths, HB:G, GSTh HB:S, and HB:Th Crystal, glass ZKVKYTh A rod of almond MTH HShQD The Special Intelligence. ThBVNH [I.Z.Q. 264, et seq.] Caps, crowns, diadems ThGYN Precatio ThChNH 464 SUM (1 - 30) 465 A kiss; a little (or, sweet) NShYQH mouth 466 Skull GLGLTh Renes KLYVTh The World of a'aVLM HYTzYRH Formation Simeon ShMa'aVN Pi 467 [Vide S.D. 33] GLGLThA 468 Angel of 3rd Dec. Gemini BYThVN 469 Trabeationes ligaturae ChShVQYHM illarum {47b} 470 Eternity. (Literally, DVR DVRYM a cycle of cycles) Angel of 8 S. NThHYH Pure Wool a'aMR NQY Period of time; Time a'aTh Solum; fundus QRQa'a 471 Palatia HYKLVTh Mount Moriah. HMVRYH HR [2 Chron. iii. 1] 472 Was terrified Ba'aTh 473 The Three Persons. AThHVANY [ATH: HVA: ANI coalesced] Skull GVLGLThA Molitrices TChNVTh 474 Knowledge. [Vide K.D. Da'aTh L.C.K. p. 252, et seq.] (Plural) --- Wisdom ChKMVTh The Testimony within the Ark a'aDTh A ram, he-goat; a prepared a'aThD sacrifice Angel L.T.D. of Cancer Ra'aDR 475 [Vide no. 473.] In BGVLGLThA Golgotha 476 Domus Iudicii; Curia; BYTh DYN Consistorium iudiciale {48a} 477 478 Cranium, calvaria GVLGVLTh The Lesser Countenance, Za'aYR ANPYN Microprosopus Hagiographa KThVBYM Pi 479 Molentes TVChNVTh 480 Lapides inanitatis ABNY ThVHV [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 252] Da'aVTh lilith, Qliphoth of Malkuth LYLYTh [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 252] a'aDVTh Malkuth, 42-fold Name in a'aYTh Yetzirah 481 Ba'aVGTh Hills GBa'aVTh Reus mortis ChYYB MYThA Annulus TBa'aTh 482 A looking-glass, mirror ASPQLRYA 483 Ferens iniquitatem NVShA a'aVN 22 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 484 485 Filia scaturiginum. BTh GLYM [Is. x. 30, "Daughter of Gallim"] Mockeries [Job xvii. 2. HThLYM Vide 435] 486 A name of YHVH BChKPH YMD ARTz GOD {48b} Foundations YSVDVTh Azymum fractum MTzH PRVSH A King of Edom a'aVYTh Angel of 8 P. NHThAL Pi 487 488 Ianua, ostium PThCh Qliphoth of Kether ThAVMYAL Ye shall worship Tha'aBVDV 489 Retribuens; rependens MShLM GMVL retributionem 490 The giving. [Vide no. 1106] MThN Fine flour, meal SLTh Perfect ThMYM Binah, 42-fold Name in Yetzirah ThTz Pi 491 Nutrix AMNTh Angel of 4 W. NYThAL 492 493 The Name given ATh YHVH ALHYK in Deut. xxviii. 58; without ATh = 92, q.v. {WEH NOTE: 493 - 401 = 92} 494 Galea salutis KVBa'a HYShVa'aH An apple ThPVCh 495 Similtudo hominis DMVTh ADM Gift MThNH {49a} P# SUM (1 - 31) 496 Leviathan LVYThN Malkuth MLKVTh A small bundle TzRVR 497 Nutrix AVMNTh Gemini; Gemini ThAVMYM 498 Briatic Palace of HYKL ZKVTh Geburah Pi 499 Cerva amorum. AYLTh AHBYM [Prov. v. 19, "a loving hind"] Busy, arduous; an army; TzBAVTh 'hosts' 500 The humerus KThP Kimelium aureaum MKThM Princeps ShR A Duke of Edom ThYMN 501 Asher; blessedness AShR Fortis; fortia, robusta AThNYM The head RASh Flesh; Night Demon of 1st ShAR Dec. Pisces Sehechinah Superior ShKYNH a'aYLAH Likeness, similitude ThMVNH 502 To tell glad tidings; flesh, BShR body To cut BThQ {49b} HB:G (_) HB:R O The Cup of the Stolistes Pi 503 HB:Sh /_\ Expelled, cast forth GRSh 504 Sought for DRSh 505 Sarah; Principissa. [Vide 510 ShRH & cf. 243 & 248] 506 ABGYThTz [Vide no. 1196] KPVTh Bovis a sinistra; an ox; Taurus. ShVR [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 99] --- Taurus 507 That which causes ferment; ShAVR yeast 508 Daybreak; black ShChR Pi 509 Bridge GShVR 510 Sensus allegoricus. [Vide DRVSh K.D. L.C.K. p. 12] Rectitudo, aequitas recta; YShR rectilineum The head RYSh Song ShYR Sarai. [Vide 505] ShRY Draco; see 440 ThNYN 511 a'aThYAL "The" HEAD RYShA [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 463] ShVRH {50a} 8 to the 3rd power= 3rd Rt. 9th Rt. 512 2 to the 9th power Adhaesio, cohaesio DBQVTh Angel of 3rd Dec. Libra ShChDR 513 514 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 213] ChQVTh 515 Possessio sine NChLH BLY MTzRYM angustiis Minister iudicii ShVTR Phylacterium ThPLH 516 Lucus. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. AShYRH p. 168] Personae PRTzVPYN 517 Qliphoth of Taurus. [Vide ARYMYRVN no. 321, & Liber 777] The good gift, i.e. MThNH TVBH Malkuth Occultae. [Vide 417] PLAVTh Confractio. [Vide K.D. ShBYRH L.C.K. p. 698, et seq.] 518 519 Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Gemini BRBTVSh 520 Tears DMa'aVTh Legitium KShR Pi 521 Ignis descendens ASh YVRD Angel of 2 P. VShRYH Nudatio candoris MChShVP HLBN {50b} 522 Pi 523 524 525 The LORD of Hosts, YHVH TzBAVTh a name of GOD referred to Netzach 526 Superliminare MShQVP 527 SUM (1 - 32) 528 23 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 529 Affatura ollaris cum TzYQY QDYRH iusculo dulci Day Demon of 3rd Dec.Cancer ShYTRY 530 The Rose ChBTzLTh Voices QLTh Tekel, a word of the 'writing ThQL on the wall' at Belshazzar's fabled feast 531 532 533 Heaven of Jesod TBL VYLVN ShMYM of Malkuth King of Terrors MLK BLHVTh 534 A certain Name of GOD QLDShQ 535 536 A white cloak TLYTh LBNH Sphere of the fixed stars MSLVTh {51a} The World of Assiah, a'aVLM Ha'aShYH the 'material' world 537 Emanatio; Atziluth, the ATzYLVTh Archetypal world Medulla spinalis ChVT HShDRH Apertio uteri PTR RChM 538 Daughter of the Voice. --- BTh QVL Echo. [The Bath Qol is a particular and very sacred method of divination] 539 540 Lumbi; the upper part MThNYM Pi 541 Israel YShRAL 542 543 "Existence is AHYH AShR AHYH Existence," the NAME of the Highest GOD 544 Apples. [Cant. ii. 5] ThPVChYM 545 Aper de Sylva ChZYR MYa'aR 546 Sweet MThVQ P's; a watchman ShVMR Custodi ShMVR L.A. Angel of Aries ShRHYAL {51b} Pi 547 548 Qliphoth of Aries Ba'aYRYRVN Night Demon of 3rd Dec. Cancer HTzGNTh A Name of GOD, YHVH ALVH VDa'aTh referred to Tiphareth Qliphoth of Libra a'aBYRYRVN 549 Moral MVRGSh Ventus turbinis RVCh Sa'aRH 550 Aquila; decidua. [Vide K.D. NShR L.C.K. p. 600; connect with no. 496, Malkuth] A rod of iron. [Ps. ii.] ShBT BRZL L.A. Angel of Leo ShRTYAL Principes ShRYM Dragons. (Restricted.) ThNYNM [Ps. lxxiv. 13] 551 552 Desiderium dierum ChMDTh YMYM 553 Draco magnus ThNYN GDVL 554 Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Pisces MRChVSh 555 Obscurity a'aPThH 556 Mark, vestige, footstep RShYMV Sharon. [Cant. ii. 1] ShRVN Pi 557 The First RAShVN {52a} 558 559 560 DRVShYM Waters of quiet MY MNVChVTh Puncta NQVDTh A Duke of Edom ThMNa'a Dragons ThNYNYM SUM (1 - 33) 561 Cain AThQYN Concealed Mystery DTzNYVThA 562 Primordial RAShVNH Pi 563 Lotio manuum NTYLTh YDYM Angel of 1st Dec. Gemini SGRSh 564 Lapis capitalis ABN HRAShH [I.R.Q. 941.] VYHY HADM LNPSh ChYH "And the Adam was formed into a living Nephesh" Sphere of Malkuth ChLM YSVDVTh 565 Parvitatio QTNVTh Praetoriani ShVTRYM 566 A valley; a plain YShRVN Puncta NQVDVTh [SMK + VV + DLTh, SVD S:V:D: = a secret, spelt in full The Shadow of Death; Hell TzLMVTh of Netzach {52b} Redintegratio, configuratio, ThYQVN depositio, conformatio, restoratio, restitutio 567 Firstborn RAShVNY 568 Pi 569 Fingers ATzBa'aVTh 570 Naphtali NPThLY Lectus a'aRSh Ten a'aShR Heads RYShYN Concussion, earthquake Ra'aSh [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 691] RSha'a Gate; the Door Sha'aR Pi 571 The mountains of Zion HRRY TzYVN Balance MThQLA 572 A chastening GOD. YHVH ALHYK [Deut. xxviii. 58.] [HB:K counted as final] Jeschurun YShVRVN He was touched. [I.R.Q. YTha'aTzB 1117] Active MThQBL Day Demon of 1st Dec. Pisces PVRPVR 573 574 Chaldee. [Hath a general YRChShVN meaning of movement. S.D. p. 87] {53a} 575 Beerschebha, Fons Septenarii. BAR ShBa'a [2 Sam. xxiv. 7 --- Gen. xxi. 31.] [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 183] "And the VYAMR ALHYM YHY AVR GODS said, Let there be Light" 24 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 576 Wands MQLVTh The tenth a'aShVR Pi 577 The Concealed of TMYRH DTMRYN the Concealed; a name of GOD most High 578 579 Media nox ChTzVTh LYLH Qliphoth of Netzach a'aRB ZRQ Sons of Adam Tha'aNVGYM 580 Rich a'aShYR Ancient a'aThYQ "Le bouc emissaire"; shaggy, Sha'aYR hairy. [Levit. xvi. 22] Angel of Fire ShRP 581 The Ancient One a'aThYQA Barley Sha'aVRH 582 583 584 {53b} 585 The GODS of Battle ALHYM TzBAVTh (lit. of Hosts); the Divine Name of Hod [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 386] ThQYa'aH 586 War-trumpet ShVPR 587 Day Demon of 1st Dec. Aquarius PVRASh 588 589 Viror. [Vide K.D. AB LShVN a'aNP L.C.K. p. 15] 590 Rib. [Gen. ii. 22] TzLa'aTh 591 592 Pi 593 594 The Stone of Israel. ABN YShRAL [Gen. xlix. 24] SUM (1 - 34) 595 596 Jeruschalim YRVShLYM 597 598 Our iniquities a'aVNVThYNV Pi 599 600 Mirabilia, vel occulta PLYAVTh ChKMH sapientiae Peniculamentum, fimbria TzYTzYTh peniculata {54a} A knot, ligature QShR Red ShRQ Six; marble ShSh Pi 601 602 Lux simplicissima AVR PShVT Brightness; splendores TzChTzChVTh Extremitates QTzVVTh 603 Qliphoth of Leo ShLHBYRVN 604 Congeries; epistola AGRTh Israel Senex YShRAL SBA 605 Magnificentia ADRTh [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 226] GBRTh 606 Let them bring forth YShRTzV Ipseitas, seu ipsa essentia. a'aTzMVTh [Vide K.D. L.C. K. pp. 571, 631] Nexus, ligature QShVR Ruth RVTh A turtle-dove ThVR Pi 607 Adam Primus ADM HRAShVN The mountains of spices. HRY BShMYM [Cant. viii. 14] A span, palm. [Lit. "the ZRTh little finger"] 608 The last Gate. [Vide BBA BThRA K.D. L.C.K. p. 184] {54b} [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 640] ChThR 609 610 Numulus argenteus AGVRTh Citrus, malum citrum; (lust AThRVG and desire). [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 178] Tenth Ma'aShR 611 "The Fear" of the LORD. YRATh [Ps. cxi. 10] The Law. (Occasional ThVRH spelling) 612 (The covenant) --- Day Demon BRYTh of 1st Dec. Capricorn. [Ps. xxv. 14] The number of the Divine Precepts Pi 613 The Quintessence of Light ATh HAVR Moses, our Rabbi MShH RBYNV [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 179] ThRYG 614 615 616 Qliphoth of Pisces ShYMYRVN The Five Books of Moses; the ThYRV Law on Sinai. Cf. Tarot Pi 617 "Mighty acts." (Plur. of GBVRVTh "Strength.") [Ps. cvi. 2] Columnae Nubis a'aMVDY HASh VHa'aNN et Ignis A King of Edom RHBYTh 618 Contentiones RYBVTh {55a} Pi 619 Novissimum AChRYTh 620 Chokmah, Binah, ChKMH BYNH VDa'aTh Daath; the first descending triad The Crown: Kether KThR Angel of 3rd Dec. Virgo MShPR [Vide Ps. xxxi. 20] TzPNTh The Doors Sha'aRYM [Temurah of LBB] ShShK 621 Mucro gladii ABChTh ChRB By-paths. Vide no. 1357] AVRChVTh [Vide I.R. G. 234] 622 Blessings BRKTh Profunda Maris. [Samael MTzVLVTh YM et Uxor Eius] Latitudines; Rechoboth RChVBVTh 623 Barietha; Doctrina BRYYThA extranea; conclusio extra Jeruschalem facta 624 His Covenant. [Ps. xxv. 14] VBRYThV Liberty ChYRVTh Qliphoth of Sagittarius NChShYRVN 25 to the 2nd power = Sq.Rt. 4th Rt. 625 5 to the 4th power The Mountain of Ararat HRY ARRT 626 The tenth portion a'aShRVN 627 {55b} 628 Light. [Spelt in full, with A:V:R: HB:V as VA] Blessings BRKVTh 629 The great trumpet ShVPR GDVL 630 Angel L.T.D. of Gemini Sa'aRSh The Holy Spirit RVChA QDYShA ShLSh Angels of Geburah, and of ShRPYM Kether of Briah Pi 631 Concealed Mystery DTzNYa'aVThA 632 633 Light. [Spelt in full, when A:V:R: HB:V = VV] [Gen. v. 2] ZKR VNQBH BRAM 634 635 636 Qliphoth of Virgo TzPRYRVN 637 Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Capricorn PVRNASh Day Demon of 1st Dec. Libra ShALVSh 638 639 The Tree of Knowledge a'aTz HDa'aTh 640 The Cup of KVS ThNChVMYM Consolations Third. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. ShLYSh p. 719] {56a} Sun; Sphere of Sun ShMSh Palm of the hand; palm-tree ThMR Pi 641 Dema purpureum AMRTh Angel of 9 W. YRThAL "Lights"; defective. MARTh [S.D. 142] 642 Day Demon of 2nd Dec. Scorpio PVRShVN Pi 643 Light. [Spelt in full, A:V:R: when HB:V = VYV] Severities of GBVRVTh YHVH TETRAGRAMMATON The Cup of Benedictions KVS ShL BRKH (12 x 13 x 4) + 20 = number of letters 644 in the five tablets of Enoch. [Vide Equinox VII] 645 A King of Edom MShRQH 646 Elohim [HB:M counted as Final] ALHYM Licitum MVThR Rejoicing MShVSh Pi 647 Lights MARVTh 648 649 Trance, deep sleep. [Vide ThRDMH no. 244] 650 Nitre NThR {56b} 651 Temurah ThMVRH 652 Pi 653 654 655 656 A rose, lily. [Vide no. 706] ShVShN Delight, joy ShShVN A furnace ThNVR 657 Angel of 3rd Dec. Scorpio VThRVDYAL Zelbarachith; Leo ZLBRChYTh 658 Pi 659 660 Scintillae NYTzYTzYTh Zones; members QShRYN ThYNR Pi 661 Esther ASThR Day Demon of 3rd Dec. Pisces YShTVLVSh Crinorrhodon (vide K.D. ShVShNH L.C.K. p. 708); a rose Angel L.T.D. of Libra ThRGBVN 662 Corona Dei AKThRYAL 663 Lapides marmoris. [Vide ABNY ShSh Zohar, pt. I. fol. 34. col. 134] {57a} Cantio ZMYRVTh 664 665 The Womb BYTh HRChM SUM (1 - 36). Sun. The Number of 666 THE BEAST ((See Equinox, V & VII for further details.)) Aleister ALHYSTHR H KRa'aVLHY E. Crowley Aleister Crowley ALYSTYR QRVLY [Rabbi Battiscombe Gunn's v.l.] The number 5, which is HA x ALP 6 (HB:HA), on the Grand Scale Qliphoth of Pisces NShYMYRVN Spirit of Sun SVRTh Ommo Satan, the 'Evil a'aMMV SThN Triad' of Satan-Typhon, Apophras, and Besz The Name Jesus ShM YHShVH 667 The oil for lighting ShMN LMAVR 668 Negotiatrix SChRTh 669 670 a'aRTh Deprecatus a'aThR 671 Ferens fructum a'aVShH PRY The Law Tha'aRA The Gate ThRa'aA {57b} Adonai. [Spelt in full] A:D:N:Y: 672 Pi 673 674 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 395] SVChRTh 675 Briatic Palace of HYKL a'aTzSShMYM Netzach 26 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 676 Artificial. [HB:M final] GLGLYM Angel L.T.D. of Aquarius a'aThVR Pi 677 678 Planities coeli; Assiatic a'aRBVTh Heaven of 1st palace 679 The chrysolite stone. ABN Ma'aVLPTh [Cant. v. 14] 680 Phrath, one of the four rivers PRTh of Eden 681 Joyful noise; battle-cry; the ThRVa'aH sound (of a trumpet) 682 Of the evening; of the West a'aRBYTh Pi 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 {58a} 690 The candlestick MNRTh Palm-trees ThMRYM Pi 691 692 The fourth portion RBYa'aYTh 693 Sulphur GPRYTh 694 695 The Moral World a'aVLM MVRGSh 696 697 Castella munita; domus ARMNVTh munitae 698 699 700 The Mercy Seat KPRTh The Veil of the Holy PRKTh Seth ShTh Pi 701 [Deut. xxiii. 1] AShTh "And lo! three men." VHNH ShLShH [These be Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, --- ALV-MYKAL-GBRYAL-VRPAL] Prolapsus in faciem NPYLTh APYM 702 Sabbathum quies ShBTh SUM (1 - 37) 703 Taenia MSGRTh Qliphoth of Binah SAThARYAL {58b} 704 "Arbatel." [The "Arbatel" ARBa'aThAL of Magic, by Pietro di Abano] Angel L.T.N. of Pisces NThDVRYGAL 705 The stones of ABNYM MPVLMVTh dampness. [Job xxviii. 3] 706 Propitiatorium KPVRTh "Lilies" (I.R.Q. 878), or ShVShNYM "Roses" (von Rosenroth) 707 708 The Angel of the MLAK HBRYTh Covenant Perdition ShChTh The Seven Double Letters Pi 709 HB:B, HB:G, HB:D, HB:K, HB:P, HB:R, HB:Th 710 Spelunca Ma'aRTh Six. (Ch.) ShYTh 711 712 713 Sphere of Saturn ShBThAY Conversio ThShVBH 714 715 Secret NSThRH Perfumed, fumigated QTVRTh 716 Vaschti. [Est. i. 9] VShThY {59a} Matrona MTRVNYThA 717 718 Pi 719 :6 .-- 720 ChShBThY Thy Navel. [Cant. vii. 3] ShRRK 721 The Primordial Point NQDH RAShVNH 722 The voice of the trumpet QVL ShVPR 723 724 The end of the days AChRYTh HYMYM 725 726 Pi 727 728 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 506] ThShKCh 27 to the 2nd power = Sq.Rt. 3rd Rt. 6th Rt. 729 9 to the 3rd power = 3 to the 6th power [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 505] QRa'a ShTN 730 731 732 Pi 733 The white head: a RYShA HVVRH title of GOD most High 734 To bring forth ShThLD 735 Tiphareth, 42-fold Name BMRTzThG in Yetzirah {59b} 736 Tortuosae a'aQLQLVTh 737 (Live coal) --- Blaze, flame ShLHBTh ShTh HBL 738 Pi 739 740 SUM (1 - 38) 741 (HB:N counted as Final) Amen: AMN see 91 The four letters of the AMThSh elements; hence a concealed YHVH 742 The Ark of the Testimony. ARVN Ha'aDVTh [Lit. "of tremblings," scil. "vibrations"] Pi 743 744 745 746 The Names ShMVTh 747 The voice of the turtle- QVL HThVR dove. [Cant. ii. 12] 748 The oil of Anointment ShMN HMShChH 749 750 Conclave LShKTh Lead a'aPRTh Pi 751 Vir integer AYSh ThM {60a} 752 Satan ShAThAN 753 Abraham and Sarah. [Either spelling. Vide 243, 248, 505, & 510] 754 755 756 Emanations: numbers SPYRVTh Years ShNVTh Pi 757 Netzach and Hod AShKLVTh 758 Perdition MShChYTh Copper ore; bronze NChShTh 759 Pulvis aromatarii ABQTh RVKL 760 "Both Active and MQBYL VMThQBL Passive"; said in the Qabalah concerning the Sephiroth Confinement, detention a'aTzRTh Yesod, 42-fold Name in QRa'aShMN Yetzirah Pi 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 {60b} Pi 769 770 Going forth. [Said of MShVTTVTh the Eyes of TETRAGRAMMATON] Unfruitful, barren a'aQRTh 771 L.A. Angel of Virgo ShLThYAL 772 Septennium ShBa'a ShNYM Pi 773 Lapis, seu canalis ABN HShThYH lapideus Potationis 774 Filia Septenarii BTh ShBa'a 775 [Vide no. 934] DQRDYNVThA 776 777 "The Flaming Sword," if the path from Binah to Chesed be taken as = 3. For HB:G connects Arikh Anpin with Zauir Anpin One is the AChTh RVCh ALHYM ChYYM Ruach of the Elohim of Lives The World of Shells a'aVLM HQLYPVTh 778 779 780 I dwell, have dwelt. ("Not" ShKNThY written.) [I.R.Q. 1122; Prov. viii. 12] Shore, bank ShPTh {61a} 781 782 783 28 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 784 Qliphoth of Cancer ShYChRYRVN 785 786 Smooth PShVTh Pi 787 788 The Secret Wisdom: ChKMH NSThRH i.e., The Qabalah. [Vide 58] 789 790 My presence. [I.R.Q. 1122; ShYKNThY Prov. xii.] 791 792 [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 460, YShVa'aVTh and Ps. xviii. 51] 793 794 795 796 Calix horroris KVS HThRa'aLH Pi 797 798 Mount Gaerisim HR GRYZYM VHR a'aYBL and mount Ebal. [Deut. xi. 29] Consisting of Seven ShBYa'aYVTh 799 {61b} 800 A bow; Sagittarius. The three Paths QShTh leading from Malkuth; hence much symbolism of the Rain- bow of Promise 801 401 x 2 = The Reflection of 401 802 which is HB:ATh, GR:alpha & GR:omega Consessus vel YShYBH ShLM a'aLH Schola vel Academia Superna. [Refers to A.'. A.'., the three grades which are above the Abyss. Vide K.D. LO.C.K. p. 461] Vindicta foederis NQM BRYTh An ark, as of Noah or of Moses ThBTh 803 804 805 806 807 808 "A piece of brass" --- the NChShThN Brazen Serpent Pi 809 810 A Duke of Edom YThTh Octava ShMYNYTh Pi 811 812 813 Signa AVThVTh {62a} Ararita; a name of GOD ARARYThA which is a Notarigon of the sentence AChD RASh: AChDVThV RASh YYChVDVThV: ThMVRThV AChD. "One is His Beginning; one is His Individuality; His Permutation One [Gen i. 3] VYAMR ALHYM YHY AVR VYHY AVR 814 815 Ahasuerus AChShVRSh 816 817 818 819 SUM (1 - 40) 820 Pi 821 822 Pi 823 Lapis effigiei seu ABN MShKYTh figuratus. [Lev. xxvi. 1.] Litterae AVThYVTh 824 825 826 Pi 827 828 Pi 829 830 Issachar YShShKR Three ("?" third) ThLTh {62b} 831 832 Albedo Crystalli LBNTh SPYR 833 Choir of Angels in ChYVTh HQDSh Kether Transiens super a'aVBH a'aL RPSha'a prevaricatione 834 835 Brachia Mundi ZRVa'aVTh a'aVLM 836 837 The profuse giver. [Cf. the ThTh ZL Egyptian word Tat.] [HB:M counted as Final. Vide LMRBH 277. This "is" written] 838 Pi 839 840 29 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 841 Laudes ThHLVTh 842 843 844 845 KB AVThYVTh Oleum influxus ShMN HShPa'a 846 847 848 849 Exitus Sabbathi MVTzAY ShBTh {Typo was SVTzAY} {63a} 850 Blue; perfection ThKLTh My perfect one. ("Not" written.) ThMThY [Cant. v. s.] Vide 857 851 Souls. [I.R.Q. 1052 et seq.] NShMThHVN 852 Occellata Aurea; MShBTzVTh ZHB Netzach and Hod receiving influence from Geburah Pi 853 An orchard ShDH ThPVChYM 854 855 856 Summitatis bifidae in Lulabh ThYVMTh Pi 857 My twin-sister. ["Is" written] ThAVMThY 858 "To Thee AThH GBVR La'aVLM ADNY be Power unto the Ages, my Lord" [Vide 35 s.v. HB:AGLA] Pi 859 Inunctio, copula, phy- ThPLH ShL YD lacterium, ornamentumve manus. [Connect with HB:NShR] 860 SUM (1 - 41) 861 862 Pi 863 {63b} 864 The Woman of AShTh ZNVNYM Whoredom Sun and Moon ShMSh VYRCh 865 866 Latera aquilonis YRKThY TzPVN 867 868 Semitae NThYBVTh 869 Qliphoth of Tiphareth ThGRYRVN 870 Twelve ThRYSR 871 872 Septiduum ShBa'aTh YMYM 873 874 875 876 Pi 877 878 879 880 A King of Edom HShSHThYMNY Pi 881 Os cranii, cranium QRQPThA 882 Dilationes fleminis RChVBVTh HNHR Pi 883 Lux oriens AVR MThNVTzTz 884 Domination ThVa'aBVTh {64a} 885 886 Pi 887 888 889 890 Spelunca duplex Ma'aRTh HMKPLH 891 892 Defectus cogitationis APYSTh HRa'aYVN 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 30 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 900 901 902 Briatic Palace of HYKL LBNTh HSPYR Jesod --- Malkuth SUM (1 - 42) 903 Secret name of Cagliostro AShARATh 904 905 906 Licentia. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. RShVTh p. 693] Vermis ThVLa'aTh {64b} Pi 907 908 909 910 Beginning. [Vide I.Z.Q. RShYTh 547, et seq.] Pi 911 Hell of Tiphareth BARShChTh Beginning RAShYTh Remnant ShARYTh 912 Pl. of 506 HB:ShVR q.v. ShVRVTh 913 Berashith; "in the BRAShYTh Beginning." [With "small" B.] [Vide A Note on Genesis, Equinox II 163-185, and 2911] 914 915 916 917 918 Pi 919 920 921 Nekudoth; intuitus HSThKLVTh aspectus. [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 547] 922 923 924 925 926 {65a} 927 928 Pi 929 Gazophylacia AVTzRVTh TzPVN Septentrionis Briah, the Palace HYKL QVDSh QDShYM of the Supernals therein 930 931 932 The Tree of the a'aTz HDa'aTh TVB VRa'a Knowledge of Good and Evil 933 Foedus nuditatis vel BRYTh HMa'aVR Sabbathi vel arcus 934 Coruscatio BVTzYNA DQRDYNVThA vehementissima; splendor exactissime dimeticus 935 The Cause of causes SBTh HSBVTh [Vide Eccles. ii. 8, & Tha'aNVGVTh S.D. v. 79] 936 Kether. [Spelt in full] K:Th:R: Pi 937 938 939 940 Pi 941 Angel of 1st Dec. Sagittarius MShRATh 942 {65b} 943 944 945 The small point: a title NQDH PShVTh
{WEH NOTE: typo had NQRH, & normal of GOD most High spelling would be NQVDH PShVTH for “Smooth Point”}
SUM (1- 43) 946 Pi 947 Angel of 1st Dec. Cancer MThRAVSh 948 949 950 [Vide no. 1204] HMThHPKTh 951 The Book of the Law SPR ThVRH
{WEH NOTE: This actually means: “Torah” or “Old Testament Bible”}
952 Pi 953 Vigiliae AShMVRVTh 954 955 956 957 Unguentum Magnificentiae MShChA RBVTh 958 959 960 Tabuae argenteae ChTzVTzRVTh KSP 31 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 961 962 963 Achad; unity. [Spelt fully] A:CH:D: Garland, Crown; a little a'aTRTh a'aTRH wreath [Vide K.D. L.C.K. p. 614 {66a} 964 Memoriale iubilationis. ZKRVN ThRVa'aH [Note Root HB:ZKR, 227 q.v. showing phallic nature of this 'memorial'] 965 966 Pi 967 968 969 970 Angel of Water ThRShYS Pi 971 Shemhamphorasch, ShM HMPVRSh the 'Divided Name' of GOD 972 973 974 975 976 Pi 977 978 979 980 981 982 Pi 983 Urbs Quaternionis QRYTh ARBa'a 984 The Beginning of RAShYTh ChKMH Wisdom (is The Wonderment at TETRAGRAMMATON. Psalms). {66b} 985 986 Vehementia; obiectio HThQPThA rigorosa 987 988 Foedus pacis BRYTh ShLVM 989 Pascens inter Lilia RVa'aH BShVShNYM SUM (1 - 44) 990 Pi 991 992 The joy of the MShVSh KL HARTz whole Earth. [Vide no. 296] 993 994 995 996 The Most Holy a'aThYQA QDYShA Ancient One Pi 997 998 Foedus linguae BRYTh LShVN 999 10 to the 3rd power 3rd Rt. 1000 [Vide no. 1100] ShShTh A Qabalistic Method of ThShRQ Exegesis; "spelling Qabalistically backward" 1001 1002 The bank of a stream ShPTh HYAVR {67a} # 1003 1004 1005 1006 The Law TRVT 1007 TAROT. [But vide 671] ThARVTh 1008 Pi 1009 1010 1011 1012 Pi 1013 1014 1015 1016 [Vide no. 1047] YVThRTh 1017 Vasa vitrea, langenae, phiale AShYShVTh 1018 Pi 1019 1020 Pi 1021 1022 1023 32 to the 2nd power = Sq.Rt. 5th Rt. 10th Rt 1024 4 to the 5th power = 2 to the 10th power Qliphoth of Virgo NChShThYRVN 1025 Absconsiones Tha'aLVMVTh ChKMH sapientiae 1026 1027 {67b} 1028 1029 1030 Pi 1031 1032 Sphere of Primum RAShYTh HGLGLYM Mobile Pi 1033 1034 SUM (1 - 45) 1035 1036 1037 1038 Pi 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 Diaphragma supra YVThRTh HKBD hepar (vel hepatis) 1048 Pi 1049 1050 Pi 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 The lily ShVShNTh 1057 1058 {68a} 1059 1060 The Tabernacle [HB:N final] MShKN {Typo had "[N final]"} Pi 1061 ASThThR [Vide VYPCh BAPYV NShMTh ChYYM I.R.Q. 939] 1062 Pi 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 Pi 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 SUM (1 - 46) 1081 Tiphareth ThPARTh 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 Pi 1087 1088 33 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1089 {68b} 1090 Pi 1091 The Rose of Sharon ChBTzLTh HShRVN 1092 Pi 1093 1094 1095 1096 Pi 1097 1098 1099 1100 Sextiduum ShShTh YMYM 1101 1102 Pi 1103 1104 1105 1106 The giving of the Law MThN HThVRH 1107 1108 Pi 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 Pi 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 {69a} Pi 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 SUM (1 - 47) 1128 Pi 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 Jars, globular vessels TzNThRVTh 1147 Byssus contorta ShSh MShZR 1148 1149 1150 Pi 1151 1152 Pi 1153 1154 1155 34 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1156 {69b} 1157 Specula turmarum MRAVTh HTzVBAVTh 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 Pi 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 Pi 1171 1172 1173 [With HB:N counted as ATh YHVH ALHYN Final] 1174 1175 Conclave caesum LShKTh HGZYTh SUM (1 - 48) 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 Pi 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 Pi 1187 1188 {70a} 1189 1190 1191 1192 Pi 1193 1194 1195 1196 Fasciculi; rami KPVTh ThMRYM palmarum 1197 1198 1199 1200 Pi 1201 1202 1203 1204 Flamma LHT ChRB HMThHPKTh gladii versatilis 1205 1206 The Holy Intelligence NShMThA QDYShA A water-trough ShQThVTh 1207 1208 1209 1210 Angel of Geburah of Briah ThRShYSh 1211 1212 Pi 1213 1214 1215 1216 {70b} Pi 1217 1218 1219 Formator eius quod YVTzR BRAShYTh in principiis 1220 Hell of Hod Sha'aRYMRTh The beaten oil ShMN KThYTh 1221 1222 Pi 1223 1224 SUM (1-49) = 35 to the 2nd power. Venus. Sq.Rt. 1225 The Ancient of the a'aThYQA Da'aThYQYN Ancient Ones 1226 1227 1228 Pi 1229 1230 Pi 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 Pi 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 {71a} 1247 1248 Pi 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 Pi 1259 1260 Angels of Netzach and ThRShYShYM of Geburah of Briah 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 SUM (1 - 50) 1275 1276 Pi 1277 1278 Pi 1279 Ignis sese reciprocans ASh MThLQChTh {71b} 1280 1281 1282 Pi 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 Pi 1289 1290 Pi 1291 1292 1293 1294 Chorda fili coccini ThQVTh ChVT HShNY 1295 36 to the 2nd power = 6 to the 4nd power Sq.Rt. 4 Rt. 1296 Pi 1297 1298 1299 1300 Pi 1301 1302 Pi 1303 1304 1305 1306 Pi 1307 Angel L.T.D, of 2nd Dec. Capricorn, AShThRVTh and King-Demon of Geburah 1308 1309 1310 {72a} 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 Pi 1319 1320 Pi 1321 The Lily of the Valleys 1322 1323 1324 1325 SUM (1 - 51) 1326 Pi 1327 1328 1329 1330 11 to the 3rd power 3 Rt. 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 {72b} 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 The numerical value of the 9 Paths 1350 of the Lesser Beard: viz. HB:N, HB:S, HB:a'a, HB:P, HB:Tz, HB:Q, HB:R, HB:Sh, and HB:Th 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 Crooked by-paths. AVRChVTh a'aQLQLVTh [Jud. v. 6] 1358 1359 1360 Pi 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 Pi 1367 1368 37 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1369 1370 1371 1372 Pi 1373 1374 1375 {73a} 1376 1377 SUM (1 - 52) 1378 1379 1380 The lip of the liar ShPTh ShQR Pi 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 Pi 1399 1400 Chaos, or = HB:ATh, 401 q.v. ATh {Aleph is large} Tria Capita ThLTh RYShYN 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 {73b} 1408 Pi 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 Pi 1423 1424 1425 1426 Pi 1427 1428 Pi 1429 1430 SUM (1 - 53) 1431 1432 Pi 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 Pi 1439 1440 1441 1442 {74a} 1443 38 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1444 1445 The remnant of LShAYRYTh NChLThV his heritage 1446 Pi 1447 1448 1449 1450 Pi 1451 1452 Pi 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 Pi 1459 1460 Quies cessationis ShBTh ShBThVN 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 Pi 1471 1472 1473 1474 {74b} 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 Septem heptaeterides ShBa'a ShBThVTh Pi 1481 1482 Rotunditates, seu GVLVTh HKVThRVTh vasa rotunda capitellarum, seu capitella rotunda Pi 1483 1484 SUM (1 - 54) 1485 1486 Pi 1487 1488 Pi 1489 1490 1491 1492 Pi 1493 1494 The total numerical value of the 1495 Paths of the Tree; i.e. of the Beards conjoined; i.e. of the whole Hebrew Alphabet 1496 1497 1498 Pi 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 {75a} 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 Pi 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 39 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1521 1522 Pi 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 Pi 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 {75b} 1539 SUM (1 - 55) 1540 1541 1542 The Oil of the ShMN MShChTh QDSh Anointing Pi 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 Pi 1549 1550 1551 1552 Pi 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 Pi 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 Pi 1567 1568 1569 1570 Pi 1571 {76a} 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 Pi 1579 1580 1581 1582 Pi 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 SUM (1 - 56) 1596 Pi 1597 1598 1599 40 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1600 Pi 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 {76b} Pi 1607 1608 Pi 1609 1610 1611 1612 Pi 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 Pi 1619 1620 Pi 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 Pi 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 Pi 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 {77a} 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 SUM (1 - 57) 1653 1654 1655 1656 Pi 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 Pi 1663 1664 The pure olive ShMN ZYThZK KThYTh oil beaten out 1665 1666 Pi 1667 1668 Pi 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 {77b} 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 41 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 Pi 1693 1694 1695 1696 Pi 1697 1698 Pi 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 Pi 1709 {78a} 1710 SUM (1 - 58) 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 Pi 1721 1722 Pi 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 12 to the 3rd power 3rd Rt. 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 Pi 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 Pi 1741 1742 1743 1744 {78b} 1745 1746 Pi 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 Pi 1753 1754 1755 Holy, Holy, QDVSh QDVSh QDVSh YHVH TzBAVTh Holy, Lord GOD of Hosts! 1756 1757 1758 Pi 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 42 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 SUM (1 - 59) 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 {79a} Pi 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 Pi 1783 1784 1785 1786 Pi 1787 1788 Pi 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 Pi 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 Pi 1811 {79b} 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 Pi 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 SUM (1 - 60) 1830 Pi 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 {80a} Pi 1847 1848 43 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 ::7 :.-- 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 Pi 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 Pi 1867 1868 1869 1870 Pi 1871 1872 Pi 1873 1874 1875 1876 Pi 1877 1878 Pi 1879 1880 1881 {80b} 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 Pi 1889 1890 SUM (1 - 61) 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 Pi 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Pi 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 Pi 1913 1914 1915 1916 {81a} 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Pi 1931 1932 Pi 1933 1934 1935 44 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Pi 1949 1950 Pi 1951 {81b} 1952 SUM (1 - 62) 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Pi 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Pi 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 {82a} Pi 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Pi 1993 1994 1995 1996 Pi 1997 1998 Pi 1999 2000 2001 2002 Pi 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Pi 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SUM (1 - 63) 2016 Pi 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 {82b} 2022 2023 2024 45 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2025 2026 Pi 2027 2028 Pi 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Pi 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 Pi 2053 2054 2055 2056 {83a} 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 Pi 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 Pi 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 SUM (1 - 64). Mercury 2080 Spirit of Mercury ThPThRThRTh Pi 2081 2082 Pi 2083 2084 2085 2086 Pi 2087 2088 Pi 2089 2090 {83b} 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 Pi 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 Pi 2111 2112 Pi 2113 2114 2115 46 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 {84a} 2126 2127 2128 Pi 2129 2130 Pi 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 Pi 2137 2138 2139 2140 Pi 2141 2142 Pi 2143 2144 SUM (1 - 65) 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 Pi 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 {84b} Pi 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 Pi 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 3 to the 7th power 7 Rt. 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 {85a} 2196 13 to the 3rd power 3 Rt. 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 Pi 2203 2204 2205 2206 Pi 2207 2208 47 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2209 2210 SUM (1 - 66) 2211 2212 Pi 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 Pi 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 {85b} 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 Pi 2237 2238 Pi 2239 2240 2241 2242 Pi 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 Pi 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 {86a} 2266 Pi 2267 2268 Pi 2269 2270 2271 2272 Pi 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 SUM (1 - 67) 2278 2279 2280 Pi 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 Pi 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 Pi 2293 2294 2295 2296 Pi 2297 2298 2299 2300 {86b} 2301 2302 2303 48 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 Pi 2309 2310 Pi 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 Pi 2333 2334 2335 {87a} 2336 2337 2338 Pi 2339 2340 Pi 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 SUM (1 - 68) 2346 Pi 2347 2348 2349 2350 Pi 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 Pi 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 {87b} Pi 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 Pi 2377 2378 2379 2380 Pi 2381 2382 Pi 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 Pi 2389 2390 2391 2392 Pi 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 Pi 2399 2400 49 to the 2nd power = 7 to the 4th power Sq.Rt. 4th Rt. 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 {88a} 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 Pi 2411 2412 2413 2414 SUM (1 - 69) 2415 2416 Pi 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 Pi 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 Pi 2437 2438 2439 2440 {88b} Pi 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 Pi 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 Pi 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 Pi 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 Pi 2473 2474 2475 {89a} 2476 Pi 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 SUM (1 - 70) 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 50 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2500 2501 2502 Pi 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 {89b} 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 Pi 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 Pi 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 Pi 2539 2540 2541 2542 Pi 2543 2544 2545 {90a} 2546 2547 2548 Pi 2549 2550 Pi 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 SUM (1 - 71) 2556 Pi 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 Pi 2579 2580 {90b} 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 Pi 2591 2592 Pi 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 51 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 Pi 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 {91a} 2616 Pi 2617 2618 2619 2620 Pi 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 SUM (1 - 72) 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 Pi 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 Pi 2647 2648 2649 2650 {91b} 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 Pi 2657 2658 Pi 2659 2660 2661 2662 Pi 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 Pi 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 Pi 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 Pi 2683 2684 2685 {92a} 2686 Pi 2687 2688 Pi 2689 2690 2691 2692 Pi 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 Pi 2699 2700 SUM (1 - 73) 2701 2702 2703 52 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2704 2705 2706 Pi 2707 2708 2709 2710 Pi 2711 2712 Pi 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 Pi 2719 2720 {92b} 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 Pi 2729 2730 Pi 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 Pi 2741 2742 2743 14 to the 3rd power 3rd Rt. 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 Pi 2749 2750 2751 2752 Pi 2753 2754 2755 {93a} 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 Pi 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 SUM (1 - 74) 2775 2776 Pi 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 Pi 2789 2790 {93b} Pi 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 Pi 2797 2798 2799 2800 Pi 2801 2802 Pi 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 53 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 Pi 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 {94a} 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 Pi 2833 2834 2835 2836 Pi 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 Pi 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 SUM (1 - 75) 2850 Pi 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 Pi 2857 2858 2859 2860 {94b} Pi 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 Pi 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 Pi 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 {95a} 2896 Pi 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 Pi 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 Pi 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 54 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 2916 Pi 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 SUM (1 - 76) 2926 Pi 2927 2928 2929 2930 {95b} 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 Pi 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 Pi 2953 2954 2955 2956 Pi 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 Pi 2963 2964 2965 {96a} 2966 2967 2968 Pi 2969 2970 Pi 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 Pi 2999 3000 {96b} Pi 3001 3002 SUM (1 - 77) 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 Pi 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 Pi 3019 3020 3021 3022 Pi 3023 3024 55 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 {97a} 3036 Pi 3037 3038 3039 3040 Pi 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 Pi 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 Pi 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 Pi 3067 3068 3069 3070 {97b} 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 Pi 3079 3080 SUM (1 - 78) 3081 3082 Pi 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 Pi 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 {98a} 3106 3107 3108 Pi 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 Pi 3119 3120 Pi 3121 3122 3123 3124 5 to the 5th power 5th Rt. 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 56 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 3136 Pi 3137 3138 3139 3140 {98b} 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 SUM (1 - 79) 3160 3161 3162 Pi 3163 3164 3165 3166 Pi 3167 3168 Pi 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 {99a} 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 Pi 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 Pi 3187 3188 3189 3190 Pi 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 32x(10 to the 2nd power) 3200 The paths of the Whole Tree in excelsis BRAShYTh BRA ALHYM {Far left Beth larger} 3201 3202 Pi 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 {99b} Pi 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 Pi 3217 3218 3219 3220 Pi 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 Pi 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 SUM (1 - 80) 3240 3241 3242 3243 {100a} 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 57 to the 2nd power Sq.Rt. 3249 3250 Pi 3251 3252 Pi 3253 3254 3255 3256 Pi 3257 3258 Pi 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 Pi 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 {100b}
{WEH NOTE: The columns on this final page are broken in the following fashion: To the left, numbers from 3279 to 3299. To the right, numbers from 3300 to 3320. The entry for 3321 extends entirely across the page, with the number itself in the right hand position as a termination of the right side column. The balance of the page is full across.}
3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 Pi 3299 3300 Pi 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 Pi 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 Pi 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 Pi 3319 3320 SUM (1 - 81). Moon. 3321 The Intelligence of MLKA BThRShYShYM Va'aD BRVH ShHRYM{WEH NOTE:using finals} the Intelligences of the Moon The Spirit of the ShDBRShHMa'aTh ShRThThN{WEH NOTE: using finals} Spirits of the Moon
[A pendant to this work, on the properties of pure number, is in preparation under the supervision of Fratres P. and ψ. Also a companion volume on the Greek Qabalah by them and Frater J. M.]
{WEH NOTE: regular pagination resumes after this point}
This page last updated: 03/01/2018