Overview of Ritual graphics


Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


Earth Air Water Fire
Elemental Sign of Earth Elemental Sign of Air Elemental Sign of Water Elemental Sign of Fire
Pentagram Pentagram Hexagram Unicursal Hexagram


spirit Eagle Inverted Rose Cross
Hexagram Unicursal Hexagram Rose Cross Lamen
image of Unicursal Hexagram Rose Cross Lamen


Sun Mercury Venus Moon Waning (Banishing) Moon Waxing (Invoking)
Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

Pentagrams Regular Banishing:

earth air water fire
Banishing Pentagram of Earth Banishing Pentagram of Air Banishing Pentagram of Water Banishing Pentagram of Fire
spirit active spirit passive
Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Passive Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Active

Pentagrams Inverted Banishing:

earth air water fire
Banishing Inverted Pentagram of Earth Banishing Inverted Pentagram of Air Banishing Inverted Pentagram of Fire
spirit active spirit passive
Banishing Inverted Pentagram of Spriit Active Banishing Inverted Pentagram of Spirit Passive

Lesser Hexagram Banishing:

earth air water fire

Hexagram Banishing:

Moon Mercury Venus Sun
Mars Jupiter Saturn

Unicursal Hexagram Banishing:

Moon Mercury Venus Sun
Mars Jupiter Saturn

Pentagrams Regular Invoking:

earth air water fire
Invoking Pentagram of Earth Invoking Pentagram of Air Invoking Pentagram of Water Invoking Pentagram of Fire
spirit active spirit passive
Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive

Pentagrams Inverted Invoking:

earth air water fire
Invoking Inverted Pentagram of Earth Invoking Inverted Pentagram of Air Banishing Inverted Pentagram of Water Invoking Inverted Pentagram of Fire
spirit active spirit passive
Invoking Inverted Pentagram of Spirit Active Invoking Inverted Pentagram of Spirit Passive

Lesser Hexagram Invoking:

earth air water fire

Hexagram Invoking:

Moon Mercury Venus Sun
Mars Jupiter Saturn

Unicursal Hexagram Invoking:

Moon Mercury Venus Sun
Mars Jupiter Saturn