Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library
The Enochian Keys
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th |
11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th |
16th | 17th | 18th | Call or Key of the Thirty Aethyrs |
Ol sonuf vaoresaji, gohu IAD Balata, elanusaha caelazod:
sobrazod-ol Roray i ta nazodapesad, Giraa ta maelpereji, das hoel-qo
qaa notahoa zodimezod, od comemahe ta nobeloha zodien; soba tahil
ginonupe pereje aladi, das vaurebes obolehe giresam. Casarem ohorela
caba Pire: das zodonurenusagi cab: erem Iadanahe. Pilahe farezodem
zodenurezoda adana gono Iadapiel das home-tohe: soba ipame lu
ipamis: das sobolo vepe zodomeda poamal, od bogira aai ta piape
Piamoel od Vaoan!** Zodacare, eca, od zodameranu! odo cicale Qaa;
zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, Hoathahe I A I D A!
I reign over ye, saith the God of Justice, in power exalted above
the Firmaments of Wrath: in whose hands the Sun is as a sword and
the Moon as a through thrusting fire: which measureth your Garments
in the mydst of my Vestures, and trussed you together as the palms
of my hands. Whose seats I garnished with the fire of Gathering, and
beatified your garments with admiration. To whom I made a law to
govern the Holy Ones and delivered ye a rod, with the ark of
knowledge. Moreover you lifted up your voices and sware obedience
and faith to Him that liveth and triumpheth: whose beginning is not,
nor end can not be; which shineth as a flame in the mydst of your
palaces, and reigneth amongst you as the balance of righteousness
and truth!
Move, therefore, and shew yourselves! Open the mysteries of your
Creation! Be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same your
God, the true worshipper of the Highest!
* Collation of the various MSS. of these calls has not done
away with Various Readings ; and there is not enough of the language
extant to enable a settlement on general principles. - Ed
** Read here Vooan in invocations of the Fallen Spirits.
Adagita vau-pa-ahe zodonugonu fa-a-ipe salada! Vi-i-vau el! Sobame
ial-pereji i-zoda-zodazod pi-adapehe casarema aberameji ta ta-labo
paracaleda qo-ta lores-el-qo turebesa ooge balatohe! Giui cahisa
lusada oreri od micalapape cahisa bia ozodonugonu! lape noanu tarofe
coresa tage o-quo maninu IA-I-DON. Torezodu! gohe-el, zodacare eca
ca-no-quoda! zodameranu micalazodo od ozodazodame vaurelar; lape
zodir IOIAD!
Can the Wings of the Winds understand your voices of Wonder? O
you! the second of the First! whom the burning flames have framed in
the depth of my Jaws! whom I have prepared as Cups for a wedding, or
as the flowers in their beauty for the chamber of Righteousness.
Stronger are your feet then the barren stone: and mightier are your
voices then the manifold winds! For you are become a building such
as is not, save in the Mind of the All-Powerfull.
Arise, saith the First: Move therefore unto his servants! Shew your
yourselves in power, and make me a strong Seer or things: for I am
of him that liveth for ever!.
Micama! goho Pe-IAD! zodir com-selahe azodien biabe os-lon-dohe.
Norezoda cahisa otahila Gigipahe; vaunudel-cahisa ta-pu-ime
qo-mos-pelehe telocahe; qui-i-inu toltoregi cahisa i cahisaji em
ozodien; dasata beregida od torezodul! Ili e-Ol balazodareji, od
aala tahilanu-os netaabe: daluga vaomesareji elonusa cape-mi-ali
vaoresa cala homila; cocasabe fafenu izodizodope, od miinoagi
de ginetaabe: vaunu na-na-e-el: panupire malapireji caosaji. Pilada
noanu vaunalahe balata od-vaoan. Do-o-i-ape mada: goholore, gohus,
amiranu! Micama!
Yehusozod ca-ca-com, od do-o-a-inu noari micaolazoda a-ai-om.
Casarameji gohia: Zodacare! Vaunigilaji! od im-ua-mar pugo pelapeli
Ananael Qo-a-an.
Behold! saith your God! I am a circle on whose hands
stand Twelve Kingdoms. Six are the seats of Living Breath: the rest
are as sharp Sickles or the Horns of Death. Wherein the Creatures of
Earth are and are not, except (in) mine own hands; which sleep and
shall rise!
In the First I made ye Stewards, and placed ye in twelve
seats of government: giving unto every one of you power successively
over 456 true ages of time: to the intent that from the
highest vessels and the corners of your governments you might work
my Power, pouring down the fires of life and increase continually on
the earth. Thus you are become the skirts of Justice and Truth.
In the name of the same your God, lift up, I say, yourselves!
Behold! His mercies flourish and (His) Name is become mighty
among us. In whom we say: Move! Descend! and apply yourselves unto
us, as unto the partakers of His Secret Wisdom of your Creation.
Otahil elasadi babaje, od dorepaha gohol: gi-cahisaje auauago
coremepe peda, dasonuf vi-vau-di-vau? Casaremi oeli
meapeme sobame agi coremepo carep-el: casaremeji caro-o-dazodi
cahisa od vaugeji; dasata ca-pi-mali cahisa ca-pi-ma-on: od
elonusahinu cahisa ta el-o calaa. Torezodu nor-quasahi
od fe-caosaga: Bagile zodir e-na-IAD: das iod apila! Do-o-a-ipe
quo-A-AL, zodacare! Zodameranu obelisonugi resat-el aaf nor-mo-lapi!
I have set my feet in the south and have looked
about me, saying: are not the Thunders of increase numbered 33,
which reign in the second Angle?
under whom I have placed 9639: whom none hath yet numbered but One;
in whom the Second Beginnings of Things are and wax strong, which
also successively are the Number of Time: and their powers are as
the first 456.
Arise! you Sons of Pleasure! and visit the earth: for I am the Lord your
God which is, and liveth (for ever)! In the name of the Creator,
Move! and shew yourselves as pleasant deliverers, that you may
praise Him amongst the sons of men!
Sapahe zodimii du-i-be, od noasa ta qu-a-nis, adarocahe dorepehal
caosagi od faonutas peripeso ta-be-liore. Casareme A-me-ipezodi
na-zodaretahe afa; od dalugare zodizodope zodelida caosaji
tol-toregi; od zod-cahisa esiasacahe El ta-vi-vau; od iao-d tahilada
das hubare pe-o-al; soba coremefa cahisa ta Ela Vaulasa od
Quo-Co-Casabe. Eca niisa od darebesa quo-a-asa: fetahe-ar-ezodi od
beliora: ia-ial eda-nasa cicalesa; bagile Ge-iad I-el!
The mighty sounds have entered into the third Angle,
and are become as olives in the Olive Mount; looking with gladness
upon the earth, and dwelling in the brightness of the Heavens as
continual Comforters.
Unto whom I fastened 19 Pillars of Gladness, and gave them vessels
to water the earth with her creatures; and they are the brothers of
the First and Second, and the beginning of their own seats, which
are garnished with 69,636 ever burning lamps: whose numbers
are as the First, the ends, and the Contents of Time.
Therefore come ye and obey your creation: visit us in peace and
comfort: Conclude us as receivers of your mysteries: for why? Our
Lord and Master is the All One!
Gahe sa-div cahisa em, micalazoda Pil-zodinu, sobam El
haraji mir babalonu od obeloce samevelaji, dalagare malapereji
ar-caosaji od acame canale, sobola zodare fabeliareda caosaji
od cahisa aneta-na miame ta Viv od Da. Daresare Sol-petahe-bienu
Be-ri-ta od zodacame ji-micalazodo: sob-ha-atahe tarianu luia-he od
ecarinu MADA Qu-a-a-on!
The Spirits of the fourth Angle are Nine Mighty in
the Firmament of Waters: whom the First hath planted, a torment to
the wicked and a garland to the righteous: giving unto them fiery
darts to vanne the earth, and 7699 continual workmen, whose courses
visit with comfort the earth; and are in government and continuance
as the Second and the Third -
Therefore hearken unto my voice! I have talked of you, and I move
you in power and presence, whose Works shall be a song of honor, and
the praise of your God in your Creation!
Ra-asa isalamanu para-di-zoda oe-cari-mi aao iala-piregahe Qui-inu.
Enai butamonu od inoasa ni pa-ra-diala. Casaremeji ujeare
cahirelanu, od zodonace lucifatianu, caresa ta vavale-zodirenu
tol-hami. Soba lonudohe od nuame cahisa ta Da o Desa vo-ma-dea od
pi-beliare itahila rita od miame ca-ni-quola rita! Zodacare!
Zodameranu! Iecarimi Quo-a-dahe od I-mica-ol-zododa aaiome. Bajirele
papenore idalugama elonusahi--od umapelifa vau-ge-ji Bijil--IAD!
The East is a house of virgins singing praises amongst the flames of first glory wherein the Lord hath opened his mouth; and they are become 28 living dwellings in whom the strength of man rejoiceth; and they are apparelled with ornaments of brightness, such as work wonders on all creatures. Whose Kingdoms and continuance are as the Third and Fourth, Strong Towers and places of comfort, the Seats of Mercy and Continuance. O you Servants of Mercy, Move! Appear! Sing praises unto the Creator; and be mighty amongst us. For to this remembrance is given power, and our strength waxeth strong in our Comforter!
Bazodemelo i ta pi-ripesonu olanu Na-zodavabebe ox.
Casaremeji varanu cahisa vaugeji asa berameji balatoha: goho IAD.
Soba miame tarianu ta Iolacis Abaivoninu od azodiajiere riore.
Irejila cahisa da das pa-aox busada Caosago, das cahisa od ipuranu
telocahe cacureji o-isalamahe lonucaho od Vovina carebafe? NIISO!
bagile avavago gohon. NIISO! bagile momao siaionu, od mabezoda
IAD oi asa-momare poilape. NIIASA! Zodameranu ciaosi caosago
od belioresa od coresi ta a beramiji.
The Midday, the first, is as the third Heaven made of 26 Hyacinthe Pillers, in whom the Elders are become strong, which I have prepared for mine own Righteousness, saith the Lord: whose long continuance shall be as bucklers to the Stooping Dragon, and like unto the harvest of a Widow. How many are there which remain in the Glory of the Earth, which are, and shall not see Death until the house fall and the Dragon sink? Come away! for the Thunders (of increase) have spoken. Come away! for the Crowns of the Temple and the Robe of Him that is, was, and shall be crowned, are divided! Come forth! Appear to the terror of the Earth, and to our comfort, and to the comfort of such as are prepared.
Micaoli beranusaji perejela napeta ialapore, das barinu efafaje
Pe vaunupeho olani od obezoda, soba-ca upaahe cahisa tatanu od
tarananu balie, alare busada so-bolunu od cahisa hoel-qo ca-no-quodi
cial. Vaunesa aladonu mom caosago ta iasa olalore ginai
limelala. Amema cahisa sobra madarida zod cahisa! Ooa moanu cahisa
avini darilapi caosajinu: od butamoni pareme zodumebi canilu.
Dazodisa etahamezoda cahisa dao, od mireka ozodola cahisa pidiai
Colalala. Ul ci ninu a sabame ucime. Bajile? IAD BALATOHE cahirelanu
pare! NIISO! od upe ofafafe; bajile a-cocasahe icoresaka a uniji
A mighty guard of Fire with two edged swords flaming (which
have 8 Vials of wrath for two times and a half, whose wings are of
wormwood and of the marrow of salt), have set their feet in
the West, and are measured with their 9996 Ministers. These gather
up the moss of the Earth as the rich man doth his Treasure.
Cursed are they whose iniquities they are! In their eyes
are mill-stones greater than the earth, and from their mouths run
seas of blood. Their heads are covered with diamonds, and upon their
heads are marble stones.* Happy is he on whom they frown not.
For why? The Lord of Righteousness rejoiceth in them!
Come away, and not your Vials: for the time is such as requireth
* "Upon their hands are marble sleeves."
Coraxo cahisa coremepe, od belanusa Lucala azodia-zodore paebe Soba
iisononu cahisa uirequo ope copehanu od racalire maasi bajile
caosagi; das yalaponu dosiji od basajime; od ox ex dazodisa
siatarisa od salaberoxa cynuxire faboanu. Vaunala cahisa conusata
das daox cocasa ol Oanio yore vohima ol jizodyzoda od eoresa
cocasaji pelosi molui das pajeipe, laraji same darolanu matorebe
cocasaji emena. El pataralaxa yolaci matabe nomiji mononusa olora
jinayo anujelareda. Ohyo! ohyo! ohyo! ohyo! ohyo! ohyo! noibe Ohyo!
caosagonu! Bajile madarida i zodirope cahiso darisapa! NIISO! caripe
ipe nidali!
The Thunders of Judgment and Wrath are numbered and are harboured
in the North, in the likenes of an Oak whose branches are 22 nests
of lamentation and Weeping laid up for the earth: which burn
night and day, and vomit out the heads of scorpions and live Sulphur
mingled with poison. These be the thunders that, 5678 times in the
twenty-fourth part of a moment, roar with a hundred mighty
earthquakes and a thousand times as many surges, which rest not,
neither know any* time here. One rock bringeth forth a thousand,
even as the heart of man doth his thoughts. Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe!
Woe! Yea, Woe be to the Earth, for her iniquity is, was, and shall
be great. Come away! but not your mighty sounds!
* "Any echoing time between."
Oxiayala holado, od zodirome O coraxo das zodiladare raasyo.
Od vabezodire cameliaxa od bahala: NIISO! salamanu telocahe!
Casaremanu hoel-qo, od ti ta zod cahisa soba coremefa i ga. NIISA!
bagile aberameji nonucape. Zodacare eca od Zodameranu! odo cicale
Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D A!
The Mighty Seat groaned, and they were five Thunders that flew into the East. And the Eagle spake and cried aloud: Come away from the House of Death! And they gathered themselves together and became (those) of whom it is measured, and it is as They are, whose number is 31. Come away! For I have prepared (a place) for you. Move therefore, and shew yourselves! Unveil the Mysteries of your Creation. Be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same your God: the true worshipper of the Highest.
Nonuci dasonuf Babaje od cahisa ob hubaio tibibipe:
alalare ataraahe od ef! Darix fafenu mianu ar Enayo ovof!
Soba dooainu aai i VONUPEHE. Zodacare, gohusa, od Zodameranu.
Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D
O you that range in the South and are 28 Lanterns of Sorrow, bind up your girdles and visit us. Bring down your train 3663 (servitors), that the Lord may be magnified, whose name amongst ye is Wrath. Move! I say, and shew yourselves! Unveil the Mysteries of your Creation. Be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.
Napeai Babajehe das berinu vax ooaona larinuji vonupehe
doalime: conisa olalogi oresaha das cahisa afefa. Micama isaro Mada
od Lonu-sahi-toxa, das ivaumeda aai Jirosabe. Zodacare od
Zodameranu. Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada,
hoathahe I A I D A.
O ye swords of the South, which have 42 eyes to stir up the wrath of Sin: making men drunken which are empty: Behold the Promise of God, and His Power, which is called amongst ye a bitter sting! Move and Appear! unveil the Mysteries of your Creation, for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.
Noroni bajihie pasahasa Oiada! das tarinuta mireca ol tahila
dodasa tolahame caosago homida: das berinu orocahe quare:
Micama! Bial' Oiad; aisaro toxa das ivame aai Balatima. Zodacare od
Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada,
hoathahe I A I D A.
O ye sons of fury, the daughters of the Just One! That sit
upon 24 seats, vexing all creatures of the Earth with age, which
have 1636 under ye.: Behold! The Voice of God; the
promise of Him who is called amongst ye Fury or Extreme Justice.
Move and shew yourselves! Unveil the Mysteries of your Creation; be
friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same your God: the
true worshipper of the Highest!
Ilasa! tabaanu li-El pereta, casaremanu upaahi cahisa dareji;
das oado caosaji oresacore: das omaxa monasaci Baeouibe od emetajisa
Iaiadix. Zodacare od Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa. Zodoreje, lape
zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D A.
O thou, the Governor of the first Flame, under whose wings are 6739;
which weave the Earth with dryness: that knowest the Great Name
"Righteousness." and the Seal of Honour. Move and Appear!
Unveil the Mysteries of your Creation; be friendly unto me, for I am
the servant of the same your God: the true worshipper of the
Ilasa viviala pereta! Salamanu balata, das acaro odazodi busada,
od belioraxa balita: das inusi caosaji lusadanu emoda: das
ome od taliobe: darilapa iehe ilasa Mada Zodilodarepe. Zodacare od
Zodameranu. Odo cicale Qaa: zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada,
hoathahe I A I D A.
O thou second Flame, the house of Justice, which hast thy beginning in glory and shalt comfort the Just: which walkest on the Earth with 8763 feet, which understand and separate creatures! Great art thou in the God of Stretch Forth and Conquer. Move and appear! Unveil the Mysteries of your Creation; be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.
The Seventeenth Key (Enochian)
Ilasa dial pereta! soba vaupaahe cahisa nanuba zodixalayo dodasihe
od berinuta faxisa hubaro tasataxa yolasa: soba Iad i
Vonupehe o Uonupehe: aladonu dax ila od toatare! Zodacare od
Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada,
hoathahe I A I D A.
O thou third Flame whose wings are thorns to stir up vexation,
and hast 7336 Lamps going before thee: whose God is "Wrath in
Anger": Gird up thy loins and hearken! Move and Appear! Unveil the
Mysteries of your Creation; be friendly unto me, for I am the
servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.
Ilasa micalazoda olapireta ialpereji beliore: das odo Busadire Oiad
ouoaresa caosago: casaremeji Laiada eranu berinutasa cafafame
das ivemeda aqoso adoho Moz, od maoffasa. Bolape como belioreta
pamebeta. Zodacare od Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa. Zodoreje,
lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D A.
O thou mighty Light and burning Flame of comfort! that unveilest
the Glory of God to the center of the Earth, in whom the 6332
Secrets of Truth have their abiding, that is called in
thy kingdom "Joy" and not to be measured. Be thou a
window of comfort unto me! Move and Appear! Unveil the
Mysteries of your Creation, be friendly unto me, for I am the
servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.
The Call or Key of the Thirty Aethyrs (Enochian)
Madariatza das perifa LIL* cahisa micaolazoda saanire caosago od
fifisa balzodizodarasa Iaida. Nonuca gohulime: Micama odoianu MADA
faoda beliorebe, soba ooaona cahisa luciftias peripesol, das
aberaasasa nonucafe netaaibe caosaji od tilabe adapehaheta
damepelozoda, tooata nonucafe jimicalazodoma larasada tofejilo
marebe yareryo IDOIGO; od torezodulape yaodafe gohola, Caosaga,
tabaoreda saanire, od caharisateosa yorepoila tiobela busadire,
tilabe noalanu paida oresaba, od dodaremeni zodayolana. Elazodape
tilaba paremeji peripesatza, od ta qurelesata booapisa. Lanibame
oucaho sayomepe, od caharisateosa ajitoltorenu, mireca qo tiobela
lela. Tonu paomebeda dizodalamo asa pianu, od caharisateosa
aji-latore-torenu paracahe a sayomepe.
Coredazodizoda dodapala od fifalazoda, lasa manada, od faregita
bamesa omaoasa. Conisabera od auauotza tonuji oresa; catabela
noasami tabejesa leuitahemonuji. Vanucahi omepetilabe oresa! Bagile?
Moooabe OL coredazodizoda. El capimao itzomatzipe, od cacocasabe
Bajilenu pii tianuta a babalanuda, od faoregita teloca uo uime.
Madariiatza, torezodu!!! Oadariatza orocaha aboaperi! Tabaori
periazoda aretabasa! Adarepanu coresata dobitza! Yolacame periazodi
arecoazodiore, od quasabe qotinuji! Ripire paaotzata sagacore! Umela
od perdazodare cacareji Aoiveae coremepeta! Torezodu! Zodacare od
Zodameranu, asapeta sibesi butamona das surezodasa Tia balatanu. Odo
cicale Qaa, od Ozodazodame pelapeli IADANAMADA!
The Call
or Key of the Thirty Aethyrs (English)
O you Heavens which dwell in the First Aire, ye are mighty in the
parts of the Earth, and execute the Judgment of the Highest! Unto
you it is said: Behold the Face of your God, the beginning of
Comfort, whose eyes are the brightness of the Heavens, which
provided you for the Government of the Earth, and her unspeakable
variety, furnishing you with a power of understanding to dispose all
things according to the Providence of Him that sitteth on the Holy
Throne, and rose up in the beginning, saying: the Earth, let her be
governed by her parts, and let there be Division in her, that the
glory of her may be always drunken, and vexed in itself. Her course,
let it run with the Heavens; and as an handmaid let her serve them.
One season, let it confound another, and let there be no creature
upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in
their qualities, and let there be no one Creature equal with
another. The reasonable Creatures of the Earth, and Men, let
them vex and weed out one another; and the dwelling-places, let them
forget their Names. The work of man, and his pomp, let
them be defaced. His buildings, let them become Caves
for the beasts of the Field! Confound her understanding with
darkness! For why? It repenteth me I made Man. One while let
her be known, and another while a stranger: because she is the bed
of an Harlot, and the dwelling-place of him that is Fallen.
O ye Heavens, arise! The lower heavens beneath you, let them serve
you! Govern those that govern!: Cast down such as fall. Bring forth
with those that increase, and destroy the rotten. No place let it
remain in one number. Add and diminish until the stars be numbered!
Arise! Move! and Appear before the Covenant of His mouth, which He
hath sworn unto us in His Justice. Open the Mysteries of your
Creation, and make us partakers of THE UNDEFILED KNOWLEDGE.
This page last updated: 03/01/2018