Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library

 The Signs


The sign of Osiris Slain.



The sign of the Mourning of Isis.



The sign of Apophis and Typhon.



The sign of Osiris Risen.




(Latin: girl). Stand with feet together, head bowed, left hand shielding the groin, right hand shielding the breast (attitude of the Venus de Medici)



(Latin: boy). Stand with feet together, head erect, right arm in a square (upper arm straight out from the shoulder, forearm straight up) and right thumb between its index and medius (called in Italy "mano in fico"), left fist at groin with thumb extended and pointing forward (attitude of the Gods Khem, Mentu, et al).  



(Latin: woman). Stand with feet wide apart, head thrown back, arms raised so as to suggest a crescent (attitude of Baphmet, Isis in Welcome, the microcosm of Vitruvius).



(Latin: man). Stand with feet together, fists with thumbs thrust out forward held to the temples, the head bowed and pushed out, as if to symbolize the butting of an horned beast (attitude of Pan, Bacchus, etc.).  



The Grades



Advance the right foot, stretch out the hand upwards and forwards, the left hand downwards and backwards, the palms open.


Stretch both arms upwards and outwards, the elbows bent at right angles, the head bent back, the palms upwards as if supporting a weight.




Raise the arm till the elbows are on a level with the shoulders, bring the hands across the chest, touching the thumbs and tips of fingers so as to form a triangle apex downwards.

Note: Some Thelemites form the triangle over the navel.



Raise the arms above the head and join the hands, so that the tips of the fingers and of the thumbs meet, formulating a triangle.


Portal Active

Extend the hands in front of you, palms outwards, separate them as if in the act of rending asunder a veil or curtain.


Portal Passive

Extend the hands in front of you, palms inwards, bringing them together as if closing the renderd veil or curtain, then let them fall to the sides.


Spirit Active

 When drawing the wheel anti clockwise for  banishing and clockwise for invoking. 
Pronoucing EHEIEH. 
Spirit of Active used for Fire and Air.

Spirit Passive

When drawing the wheel anti clockwise for  banishing and clockwise for invoking. 
Pronoucing AGLA. 
Spirit of Passive is used for Water and Earth

Create a circle counter clockwise for Banishing:
  When back at top of circle go straight down to bottom of circle.
Then a quarter turn again counter clockwise, to 3:00.  Then straight across the circle to 9:00.
Then a turn again counter clockwise to halfway between 7:00 and 8:00.  Then go straight across the circle to half way between 1:00 and 2:00.
Then a turn again counter clockwise to half way between 10:00 and 11:00.  Then go straight across the circle to half way between 4:00 and 5:00.
Then do 3 circles counter clockwise .

Open photo

Create a circle  clockwise for invoking:
 When back at top of circle go straight down to bottom of circle.
Then a quarter turn again clockwise, to 9:00.  Then straight across the circle to 3:00.
Then a turn again clockwise to halfway between 4:00 and 5:00.  Then go straight across the circle to half way between 10:00 and 11:00.
Then a turn again clockwise to half way between 1:00 and 2:00.  Then go straight across the circle to half way between 7:00 and 8:00.
Then do 3 circles clockwise

Open photo


Other Signs:


The Sign of Silence

The Sign of Silence withdraws the force put out by the Sign of the Enterer. Take upon thyself as before taught the colossal form of the God Harpocrates. Bring the left foot sharply back, both heels together--beat the ground once with the left foot as it is placed besides the right. Bring the left hand to the mouth and touch the lower lip with the left fore-finger. Close the other fingers and thumb, and drop the right hand to the side. Imagine that a watery vapor encircles and encloses you. This is the reflux of the current.

The Sign of Silence

This page last updated: 03/08/2023

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