Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library
Nonuci dasonuf Babaje od cahisa ob hubaio tibibipe:
alalare ataraahe od ef! Darix fafenu mianu ar Enayo ovof!
Soba dooainu aai i VONUPEHE. Zodacare, gohusa, od Zodameranu.
Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D
O you that range in the South and are 28 Lanterns of Sorrow, bind up your girdles and visit us. Bring down your train 3663 (servitors), that the Lord may be magnified, whose name amongst ye is Wrath. Move! I say, and shew yourselves! Unveil the Mysteries of your Creation. Be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.
This page last updated: 03/01/2018