Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's
Magickal Library
Ilasa micalazoda olapireta ialpereji beliore: das odo Busadire Oiad
ouoaresa caosago: casaremeji Laiada eranu berinutasa cafafame
das ivemeda aqoso adoho Moz, od maoffasa. Bolape como belioreta
pamebeta. Zodacare od Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa. Zodoreje,
lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe I A I D A.
O thou mighty Light and burning Flame of comfort! that unveilest
the Glory of God to the center of the Earth, in whom the 6332
Secrets of Truth have their abiding, that is called in
thy kingdom "Joy" and not to be measured. Be thou a
window of comfort unto me! Move and Appear! Unveil the
Mysteries of your Creation, be friendly unto me, for I am the
servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.
This page last updated: 03/01/2018